Let's get a puppy DM x CS

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Hey guys, first off, I wanna apologise for my lack of usual posts these last couple of months. I have been very busy with work and I am doing a course along side it. Once I am in the summer holidays, I should have more free time to write and upload my usual 3 chapters 3 one shots in a month.

Anyways hope you enjoy some cuteness


Jordon p.o.v

Danny's birthday is coming up and I want to get him a really good gift. Something that he will love. I have only been dating Danny for six months and even though we have known each other for a long time now this birthday is one I have to get right. It is the first one where I am his boyfriend so the gift will mean more to him than one from a friend would. Not that I am saying Danny doesn't appreciate the gifts he gets from his friends because I know for a fact that he loves them. I just feel more pressure because I am his boyfriend. I know his likes and dislikes and I need to make sure that the gift I get him is just as perfect as he is. This will be tough, but I think I have the right gift in mind. I just need to make a few arrangements.

I have been doing my best to keep this hidden from Danny and as far as I know he does not suspect a thing. Well, he hasn't told me that he knows what I plan to get him. I am not even sure if he knows I remember and kept a note of what he likes and dislikes. I knew for a long time that I wanted him to be my boyfriend so I made sure when we got to know him back in the early days what I would need to know in order to be a good boyfriend. He's currently fast asleep next to me, holding onto my arm so I can't get up to pee until he wakes up. I guess it's his way of letting me know that he wants a lazy day. We can have a lazy day if he really wants one. He might feel like doing loads of things, I don't know yet.

"Good morning Jordon," Danny mumbles, I had managed to slowly pull my arm out of Danny's grip and finally went to the bathroom. Danny looked like he had a bit of a rude awakening. "Morning bear," I tell him, getting back into bed and I play with Danny's hair. He snuggles into my side and I kiss his cheek. He is not a morning person unless he has to do something. Danny reaches up and kisses my cheek. "You can go back to sleep if you really want to Danny. We don't have to do anything until later on tonight," I tell my boyfriend. Danny is still snuggled into my side and since I have given him permission to fall back to sleep, he has decide to do so I think. He's closed his eyes again and rolled into my side, so his arm was on my chest.

"Don't worry little bear I am not moving from this spot. We can both have a lazy morning," I tell him. that was basically his way of telling me he doesn't want me to leave his side while he's still sleepy. We are having a BBQ at George's house later on, but George understands that we won't be there as early as someone like Jorel who will be there at 2 and we were be there at like 3 maybe 4 depending on when we leave. Danny was fast asleep again within minutes and I made sure that I could get my phone so I can keep myself occupied while Danny sleeps the morning away. He loves his sleep which is fair enough. I am talking to George through text messages and we were planning more of the evening ahead.

I think he's purposefully making everyone start later as everyone has to bring three things with them, something for the main, the side and the dessert so no matter how early we all arrive we can't really start until everyone is there. I am aiming to arrive at 3 with Danny, we are also planning a small birthday party for Danny which only the most trusted of the band will know so they will not give it away to Danny before the day. It's not going to be a huge thing because that is not what Danny will want. Just something with his friends, his mom and siblings will be there too and that is perfect for Danny. I then start playing games on my phone while I wait for Danny to wake up again. I am pretty sure I accidentally woke him up the first time and I don't want to do it again.

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