Happy Anniversary CS x DM

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Hey guys this is a more happy one shot than the last one. I tried to write all of this in my free lesson this morning as college just started and I don't really have any assignments to do yet.


Danny point of view

I wake up with my little girl snuggled into my side. Charlie, my husband of one year wasn't in bed with us but he left the blanket tucked in on his side. I can't believe I have been married to the man of my dreams for one year today.

"Scarlett wake up you have pre-k t today. "I say to my sleeping four year old. She wakes up but she remains snuggled into my side and doesn't want to move any time soon." so you're in a daddy huggles mood?" I ask her. She nods and wraps her arms around my neck.

I pick her up and we make our way downstairs to the kitchen/dining room. This is where I find Charlie. Shirtless but wearing an apron and making breakfast "morning papa." Scarlett says as I put her down. "morning sweetheart." Charlie replies.

I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his waist. "morning babe." I say. "good morning Danny." he replies. "happy anniversary." I say. "happy anniversary baby." he says, pausing in his cooking to turn around and kiss me.

"I'll set the table. " I tell him while he plates up the food. Today we have one interview then we have the rest of the day off to relax and be a family. Our management was so nice by giving us all the rest of today off after they found out when Charlie and I got married.

" I'm glad the fans and the lads accept us." Charlie says after we finish breakfast. "me too, I was so nervous." I say. "turns out you didn't need to be. Now let's go." Charlie days kissing me once on the lips and once on my neck.

-at the interview-

"today I am joined by Hollywood undead. Hello guys." the interviewer says. Johnny is staring at Charlie and I. "hi." we say. Charlie discreetly holds my hand like he normally does during interviews.

So anything interesting to update fans on?" she asks. "well today is Danny and I's first wedding anniversary." Charlie says proudly. I smile. "Aw congratulations you two and I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day."she says." thank you. I'm sure we will." I say.

I have something simple yet amazing planned for tonight."when is the new album coming out?" she asks. "we hope it will be in January but we want it to be perfect and we have had a few issues." Johnny says.

"I know you must be sick of this question by now but what do you think about Deuce's music aimed at you? " she asks." we are but we know that the fans deserve an answer."funny man says. "his music is unoriginal. He had copied a few if our songs and tried changing them to sound different but failed." j-dog says. "he could save his career if he moved on. We have made no songs with hate in them and look how far we have come with our career." Charlie says.

Soon the interview is over. We were asked questions we have heard multiple times before. "dudes you could have said that it was today." matt tells us. "we just want to spend some family time with Scarlett and relax so we didn't tell you. Charlie says.

I did post on instagram that a year ago today I married one of my best friends and the love of my life. I had a lot of happy anniversary messages off fans and my brother Kyle.

We arrive at pre-k just in time for our little girls class to be let out for the day. "daddy and papa ." she shouts running towards us. We get a few strange looks from some of the other parents but their children don't run shouting like Scarlett does. "hey sweetie enjoy your day?" I ask. Charlie picks her up. "yeah, I asked teacher to help me make this." she says.

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