Fall for me DM X JD

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I don't even know how I came up with this to be honest. It was another late night idea which happens to me quite frequently. I have been asked to do this pairing so I am going to do it. I am currently feeling a little ill so I might write either the best one shot ever or the worst. I have a feeling it might be the worst but oh well.

Keep the requests coming guys, I appreciate them. Also as well as pairings give me like a word to base the story on, those are fun to do.


Jorel p.o.v

During free time on tours most people would catch up on sleep, not us. Here on the Hollywood Undead tour bus we like to prank each other. Also by we, I mean Matt, Jordon, Dylan and I. Sometimes George will join in but it is rare, he often likes to stay and protect my little bear who wants no part in the pranking. Danny has hated pranks ever since he first joined and the guys broke him with the worst things they could think of at the time, which was a bucket of ice water then flour to be poured over him.

I accepted my boyfriend didn't want to participate in the prank wars so my team made him be the main judge. That way we wouldn't feel tempted to prank him as it would take away points from our team. It didn't mean he favoured me either. He sometimes picked the other team over us which was fine as it wouldn't be fair if he picked us all the time.

We are currently doing an American tour and the prank war started a while ago. Currently team king, consisting of Matt and Jordon were winning by 5 points. I was on Team Muffin with George and Dylan and we were planning on getting our own back on them and a little series of pranks to get us in the lead again. We just needed the perfect opportunity that we could do it without getting Danny in the process. As his boyfriend I could warn him about what was to happen so he was out of the way, but would it be classed as cheating? I don't know.

I knew Matt was up to something, he kept mentioning the time when George tripped and fell off the stage during one of our shows. We took this as a hint he was going to re-create something similar and stayed away from the edge. We didn't look at the edge of the stage and we didn't warn Danny either. That might have been a mistake.

Danny was snuggled up to me reading his book, City of Lost Souls if I read the cover correctly. I bought him the mortal instrument series for his birthday and he loves them. I love him, the way he gets into the story and his little reactions when something dramatic happens. I had my arm around his chest as he read and we were having a conversation. "Do you think Matt is going to do anything on stage to us?" George asks.

"Um, I don't know. Surely he wouldn't do it in front of everyone," I say, suddenly feeling unsure. We had agreed not to do the pranks in public or film them but it doesn't mean that those rules will be followed by everyone. Danny wasn't paying attention; he was too into the story to even know we were talking. "Maybe he will do it during a rehearsal or sound check, there aren't going to be any fans there and it makes sense," Dylan says.

We quickly stop talking as Matt and Jordon enter the room. They don't yet know that we know about their planned prank and we like to keep it that way for a while. They look to Danny who is reading still, he'd been no use to them. He was privy to the conversation but he didn't know what was said as he wasn't paying attention. "What part are you up to Danny?" George asks.

Danny looks up from his book. "uhh, the part where Clary is in Europe with Jace and Sebastian," he answers before going back to the story. That made no sense to me as I haven't read the books yet, but to George it made complete sense as he has read them all which lead to Danny's interest in the series. When he is in the zone it is hard to get an answer from him unless it is about the book.

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