Puppy Boy part 2 DM x J3T

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So this is part 2 of puppy boy. I don't think that it is too important to read part one but if you want to understand this completely then you should read it.
This photo is what I drew for this one shot



It's been two months since I rescued Danny from the horrible life that a hybrid like him could lead. Today is his tail operation and he will come out from it with no tail. I have the day off work to look after him as hybrids react differently to general anaesthetic to someone like me. We wouldn't really be doing much work today anyway as Aron's behaviour has gotten worse to the point where it's too distracting. Since Danny is going under general anaesthetic he hasn't been allowed to eat anything since midnight and to make it fair on him I will eat once he has gone in. Even though he is an adult there are a lot of things about the world that he doesn't understand like why he isn't allowed to have breakfast and how operations work.

We were given a private room on the day ward because he is a hybrid and they didn't want him to get panicked by having other people stare at him because he is different to everyone else. There was also one available for him so they put him in it. When we got into the room he asked me to sit with him on the bed. I happily obliged because I know that Danny is nervous about what is going to happen. I think that I would be too if I was going to have the big operation that he is going to have done. He will be glad once it's over and the stump that he calls a tail will be gone for good. A nurse came in and took his blood pressure and his temperature for the first time today.

Then the nurse gave me a hospital gown and compression socks to let me help Danny into them. I help him get changed into them all thought he seemed familiar with the gown but I don't think he has ever seen the socks which will help prevent any blood clots that might occur. Once he was in the items of clothing I noticed he was starting to get a bit more nervous but one of my hugs managed to calm him down a little bit. I am hoping that I can stay with him until he is completely under but I am not sure what this hospitals policy is when it comes to this sort of thing. If I can't stay with him when he goes under then I will be hugging him once he is brought out of the recovery room.

As I am the person who rescued him and the one who will look after him today I have been told what I should expect when he comes out. I was told by his doctor that hybrids do take longer than normal to be completely fine after the anaesthetic and he will most likely by very sleepy and cuddly for the rest of the day. That is fine by me and I feel happy to cuddle him and make him feel okay. It also means I can snuggle him all day without it being too weird because I know this is what he would want. There is no denying that I have fallen for Danny in these past two months and one day he will know how I feel about him.

They told us that they would come and get him for surgery soon. There are other people on this ward and they have to go before Danny because their surgery is a slightly more urgent then the tail operation he so desperately needs. This just means that Danny and I will have more time to get completely relaxed before he has to go in. I hadn't managed to buy Danny a phone yet because he was too nervous to go into the store and he didn't want me to leave him. We gave him an I pad that no one in the group was using. You tube was a good method for me to distract him and he seemed calmer when I lay down next to him and we watched some Markiplier videos. The nurse came back in and he smiled at us. "Is he a bit scared about today then?" he asks me.

"Yeah, he is a bit scared. I don't think that he has had a good experience with this before now," I tell the nurse. While I was talking to the nurse Danny was completely absorbed with the video that he was watching which was good for me because I don't want him to be stressing out while I can help him. They decided now while I had him this distracted to put the IV catheter in so that they had another option when it came to put him under if he was too stressed for the mask. He whimpered a little bit when it went in but that was his only reaction to it. "Do you or Danny have any questions that you want to ask me now?" the nurse asks us but Danny wasn't listening because I had put the headphones on him to aid with more distraction.

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