You Can't Buy Love DM X J3T

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Hey guys, I don't think this one was requested but I need more Murgan and I know other people do and this actually came from a comment on another one-shot because I get ideas from pretty much anywhere at the moment.

Slaughter will be finished eventually, I am just taking my time on it and making sure it is perfect before it gets to be published. I am thinking of something for the DK X JD someone requested but I have not got a definite plot yet so that might take a while too but uploads should become a little bit more frequent during the summer holidays which start soon unless I am busy.

This is an alternate universe where the band doesn't exist but the stage names do.

· Jorel Decker is J-dog

· Daniel Murillo is Danny

· Jordon Terrell is Charlie Scene

· George Ragan is Johnny 3 Tears

· Matthew Buesek is Da Kurlzz

· Dylan Alvarez is Funny Man/ King Kong


Danny. P.o.v

I never ever believed that they saying "you can't buy love" is true. That is probably because of the fact that my good friend Jorel owns a dating agency where you pay to date people. Usually no relationships come from the blind dates we are sent on. My aunt also used to own one and she showed me it quite often as I was growing up. I told Jorel as we grew up together and then he decided when he became twenty one that he was going to create one. It is fair to say that in the five years that he has owned it that it is a success and he is making a lot of money from it.

I am currently twenty four; three months shy of turning twenty five. I have been employed by Jorel since I was nineteen and I honestly like the job. I work with Jordon and we get along well and work together on double dates sometimes. I say that no relationships result from the dates Jordon and I have been on because a lot of people just do it for a dare and don't take it seriously or they don't like us enough to ever arrange a second date. Well if you have more than a few dates and it becomes serious then you get fired because you would be cheating on your partner and it is against the rules.

I sigh as I stare at the celling at four in the morning. I had a date which didn't go to well last night. The woman was looking to cheat on her boyfriend and the boyfriend had seen the messages we had sent each other and showed up to the date. I am not a completely innocent party since I agreed to the date but I had no idea that was her intentions. I ended up getting beaten up quite severely and I passed out when I got through the door. I barely made it to the sofa.

I came round an hour later and managed to go to bed at around midnight but insomnia kicks in and the pain woke me up ten minutes ago and I know I can't go back to sleep but it is way too early to get up. Another hour would be a better time to be honest but I know I am not going to be spending this hour sleeping. The pain is a bit unbearable so I suppose it will be okay to get up and take some pain pills.

I manage to get out of bed with minimal complaint and manage to stumble into the kitchen. Her boyfriend got me good and I think he did some damage to my knee but I will be fine. It does mean that I look a mess and might not be able to go on dates this week. I turn the light on and squint at the sudden light. I realise my contacts are still in because it isn't blurry like I was expecting. I get a pack of cookies and the orange juice from the fridge. I also get the Tylenol from the cupboard.

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