Hear me now DM x JD

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Jorel p.o.v - 2008

"How do you live with a deaf boyfriend?" Jordon asks, as we sit in an office waiting for the meeting to start so we can chose which songs we want on our first album which comes out soon. "I know American sign language which helps a lot. We also write down what we want to say sometimes, and he can lip read. I am hoping one day to be able to afford the cochlear implants so he will hopefully be able to hear," I reply. It was something I have explained before, but I think it was only to George because he was curious about meeting Danny and what would happen. I would had to have told them because they would have thought Danny was rude if he didn't respond to them. I have been dating Danny for 3 years now and I don't see it changing any time soon.

Danny was born on the 21st of November 1985 and they quickly realised he was deaf at birth. His mom has worked so hard to get him where he is today, and she is so proud. He can play instruments based on the vibrations he feels, and he can sing pretty good as well. I know he wants to hear, but he is stubborn when it comes to accepting funds from people. Which is why I am planning to raise the money without him knowing and then giving it to him as a birthday or Christmas gift. He can't refuse it that way and he will be happy to be able to hear for the first time. Although we both know and accept that it is not 100% guaranteed to work and he might still be deaf after they turn it on for the first time.

"It must be hard for Danny though, not being able to hear anything," George says, I was grateful that at this particular moment Aron is out of the room and late as per usual. He hates it when anyone brings up their partners, but he hates it even more when I bring up Danny. I think he is a homophobe but because we are so close to releasing our first album he has to suck it up that his band mate has been gay for almost as long as he has known him. "I think he has his down days where he wants to hear but knows he can't. I don't know about him missing it because it is all he has known," I reply. There are so many questions they probably have about Danny that I would probably struggle to answer myself.

Most of them are about his feelings, because I don't know how Danny feels inside. I don't know about the emotions he hides from me at times where he wants the focus to be away from himself. I get a message from him asking if he could come and wait outside of the meeting. Danny's upset; I can tell because he never usually asks to come to the meetings. I quickly reply and say that I couldn't see why he couldn't sit with me in the meeting. Danny's not going to go telling the world what songs we chose, heck he wouldn't even pay attention to what's going on because I will focus on calming him down while they talk which he can't hear. One of our managers walks in and I ask him if Danny could join us.

Aron is still not here so he can't object to it. "I don't see why not, he's a good guy," the manager says, and as soon as I get the text that Danny is outside of the office building I dash down to meet him. When Danny sees me he gets out of the car and throws himself at me. I hold him and rub his back, saying sweet nothings really doesn't help here. He looks and me and shakily tries to sign what's going on. I noticed a few bruises on his face and some scratches too. I sign to him "Calm down bear, we can talk about it when you're calmer." He was having so much difficulty trying to get the words formed properly with his hands, so the best decision we could make right now is to wait until he is calmer before asking again.

I take his hands and we walk back to the office I was in before. I pull Danny down onto my lap when I sit down again and let the vibrations of my calm heartbeat try and calm him down. "Is he okay? He looks like he's seen a ghost," Jordon asks, and I shake my head and shrug. I keep rubbing Danny's back and it seems to be working. "I am not sure; I think he might have been attacked but he is too scared to tell me anything right now. I am gonna ask again when he has calmed down some more," I tell them. I knew he had gone to the store nearby and we were going to meet up for lunch today. So it might have happened then. I kiss Danny's head and he looks at me and smiles. It was the first smile I have seen from him since he ran into my arms. He reaches up a little and kisses me on my cheek.

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