Part 1

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The busiest city Mumbai..was running its daily lyf....
With d crowded people arround.....the weather was cloudy nd it was raining very soundly..while d cold breeze was soothing lives...
Bt there in 'The Shekhawat Enterprices' everyone was murmuring nd buzzing........
The employees suited in perfect office attaires......were working speedily.......
Why shouldnt they.??
Afterall their newly Managing Director was going to join frm d day.......
Though they didnt have seen hm never before.......
Bt they had a little knwledge much he is strict nd arrogant in nature..
He was already a successful business man in Newyork...who hates to get interogate with d media always...
After hs dearest dad Mr Harsh singh shekhawat passed away..he decided to handle ths Mumbai branch..
Results of d nervousness mre than excitement landed in d ppls mind..
Hs assistant informed that he'll attain a proper meeting in d presence of all d employees on d very first day....
So as per a cmon statement..'first impression is d last impression' ..everyone tried to be best frm looks to work..
Still everythng wasnt unmistakable...thats y d manager Mr ashutosh khanna was looking little tensed..
Bt before he could cover up...
the mst awaited person Randhir singh shekhawat entered in...
Adjusting d coat over hs white shirt...with blue jeans adding hs charming personality...
The hall which was sounding lyk a fish market suddenly turned to pin drop silence..seeing d man of middle 25 standing with a handsme look nd stern face having no emotions..
sme female employees already started drooling over hm...


On d other hand a girl of middle 24 was calling for a taxi again nd again standing on d bsy street of Mumbai...
With sme files in her one hand en an umbrella in d other....
she was already late for office..nd cant afford to get mre late.....
yahan khade hoke tym waste karne se acha..mai chalke hi jati hun..she murmured and started walking with long steps towards her destination.....


Ths is an office nt a mall...Rd mouthed straight shoving hs hands inside hs pocket..
The employees lowered their heads....
He noticed Mr khanna's little tensed face which was enough to caught d main point for hm..
I told u..i want every single employee to present here...nd ur face isnt approving my words Mr khanna...aint i right?? He asked in a firm voice..
Hs cold stern voice stilled d atmoshpere..
Sir..umm..just one...Mr khanna couldnt cmplete hs words as rd interupted hm..
R:First teach ppl to be punctual nd discipline....when all will be ready then cl me...m in my cabin....
He glared everyone..
En walked to d door while fidging over hs ph..
Just then...a girl stepped inside....with a cup of coffee nd file in her hand...
her hair were wet due to d as her dress...she had reached d office in a hurry..
Stop..stop...she chanted as rd was proceeding towards her without looking up......
Bt within sme sec he bumped with her...resulting the hot coffee poured on hs coat...nd d file fall frm her hand..
He made a disgusted face looking at hs coffee drenched coat....
At that moment that girl caught hs attention....
Who simply bent down to pick up her file without even sparing a glance at hm..
He kept rooted at d place to see..who dared to avoid hs presence and d mistake over hm aswell..
My Other Books -
1. Just Not Friends
2. The Deal
3. I Still Love You
4. Second Chance

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