Part 10

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Hey guys! Sorry for the huge delay.. Was caught up with some stuff.. Also, I will be posting this story on alternate days i.e Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Second Chance will be posted on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And you'll may get a bonus chapter on Sunday!😊
P.S - Are you'll liking the stories?
Happy Reading😘

Part 10

The red bulb got switched on.,of d operation theatre....

en there sanyu stood staring at d bulb.....her senses were numbing each sec with d fear of loosing her little angel....

Sanyukta remembered d first day.,when she had took her in her arms...the little soul was all smiling nd playing with her hairs....

She had promised herself to provide Aru all those happiness she deserves..

They were ready to live a new lyf with new ppls arround far away frm their previous lyf....

Bt alas....she was again drowning in a pool of tears...en noone beside her...

Lyf was never full of ths much strugle.,until that incident blown away every colours of her lyf..nd left her numb yet mre strong..

She was determinded never to say Aru..wht was their actual she didnt wanted to cme across that painful phase of past....

Bt suddenly she was feeling d mst restless en helpless mother on earth..whose world was fighting for lyf....

She closed her eyes..while fresh hot drops made their way....


On d other hand.,rd was back to office once he finished d meeting..

He walked inside hs cabin.,checked files.,opened d nthng could help to washaway d random thoughts that werent leaving hs mind...

He wasnt ready to listen..wht an unknwn voice was chanting inside hs ribcage....that too over that girl who was supposed to be hs enemy kum ordinary employee...or an arrogant employee exactly lyk hm...

Mr khanna knocked d door.,much to pause rd's irrational thoughts..

Sir..i need ur sign in these papers....Mr khanna chipped forwarding d papers to hm..

Rd nodded while checking them..hs lips parted to ask didnt cme outta hs mouth..

Umm..did u gve d check to Ms Agarwal?? He asked hesitatingly clearly avoiding an eye contact..

yes sir i did...thankfully the amount helped her khanna answered. many yrs old d baby is ?? Nxt moment cme hs blank ques...

Umm..may be 6-7mnths.,dnt knw exactly..coz she dnt share her personal lyf much..sir....Mr khanna shook hs head..

En suddenly d reality stroaked rd's mind.

U may leave nw...he chipped firmly keeping all d files aside..

mr khanna left instantly..thus rd banged hs fist on d table hard..

wht d hell is wrong with me.?? I was asking on smeone's personal lyf.....she is nobody to me....she is married or nt..thats none of my business..

That shit girl is always trying to get into my nt anymre.,Ms sanyukta agarwal nw u'll see whts d result of messing with randhir singh shekhawat..He growled which got replaced by hs signature smirk..


Sme hours later...

The glass door of d OT got opened...

sanyu was so lost in reminiscing her moments with Aru.,failed to notice the red bulb was off by then..

bt as soon as her gaze fall on d doctor.,who was cming out...she rushed to hm. is she.?is she al..alright?? She stammered when her eyes were trying to look inside through d glass door..

She is fine sanyukta..d operation went successfull...The doc smiled at her..

Hs words were lyk a fresh air to her..she felt as if smeone installed d lyf back into her dead soul...

She breathed properly.....assuring herself that her angel is fine..

can i see her?? She smiled btwn her tears..

Yes....u can see her before d attendant will shift her to a nrmal ward..The doc smiled before walking away....

Sanyu stepped inside..only to found her angel sleeping peacefuly on d cot..

She took her tiny palms in hers nd kissed it.......while her gaze was fixed on her face..which was looking pinkish...

Bola tha na..mumma kuch ni hone dengi apko..she smiled pecking her forehead..

She let d happy tears to rolled down...whras her pecks kept pouring her love on d baby....

Mam..pls aap ye medicines le tak mai patient ko babies ward me shift karti hun..A nurse mouthed standing behind her....

Sanyu nodded en went away after caressing Aru's cheek..

She brought d medicines nd forwarded sme cash to d pharmacist...

Just then she noticed d envelope in which she had kept d cash..en remembered how rd gave her d cheque on tym through Mr khanna..

I should thank sir for helping me out...her brain mumbled..

Unware of wht was she going to get in return ..

Precap:rd punished sanyu..
My Other Books -
1. Just Not Friends
2. The Deal
3. I Still Love You
4. Second Chance

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