Part 30

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All set....papers and d groom as well.....Sudeepchuckled crossing hs arms across hs chest...

Stop teasing me....Randhir rolled hs eyes to supress hs flush...

Bdw m looking gd na?? He asked nervously...

Same ques for d 6th tym...even u had asked me which colour of coat a groom should wear at 3am in d mrng...sudeep narrowed hs gaze...

Emm..i had no idea thats y...Rd defended hmself..

Adjusting d black Armani coat over the blue shirt with denims he checked hmself once again in d mirror of hs car.....

Man.....bhabi cme soon pls,else someone will go mad here..Sudeep slapped hs forehead..

Aee what bhabi?? Dnt call ths front of her..she wont lyk it..Randhir shook hs head.

Really..okay then..sudeep shrugged..

Its quite late nw..they should have reach here...Rd sighed..

Guess what.? U wished and they r here....Sudeep grinned pointing towards a direction...


Randhir turned arround impatiently only to found hs gaze stucked at d scenerio front of him...

She was clad in a red saree having golden border....her long open hairs were spreaded on her shoulders.....en as usual some bangles in her wrists were adding her charm..

He even didnt realised when they stood beside hm...

Aru who was in a blue beautiful frock with a matching blue hairband on her hairs.,urged to go to him as soon as she saw him...


Sudeep slightly elbowed randhir to make hm realise whr he was standing...

Who just blinked hs eyes and shifted hs gaze towards hs princess..

Whoa..matching matching...he grinned taking her in hs embrace..

She giggled playing with hs tie..

By then sanyukta stole a glance of him..he was looking quite handsome..


Lets go inside.we r getting late..sudeep anounced..nd they proceeded towards d court marriage...

Randhir first signed d register holding Aru in hs arms....

Sanyu kept looking at them.,


Bhabi nw u sign d papers...sudeepbroke her trance..

Rd shoot a side glare at hm,bt didnt met her gaze..

she passed a smile at sudeep nd too signed after rd ...

The magistrate signalled them to exchange garlands..thus sudeep took Aru frm rd nd handed hm a garland...

Lyk a fairy dream they stood facing each other..

Sir..ummmm thank u., aap ne jo v hamara liye kiya hai..she mouthed eyeing Aru, who was smiling at them..

Its for no space for thank u..he smiled making her wear d garland.

She too smiled following hs action...

En they were declaired as a couple...

sudeep made Aru's palm joined..,inorder to clap for them...

Her smile kinda filled d air..


He immediately filled the formalities to adopt Aru...nd breathed in relief eyeing those papers..

U go with princess.,i have sme work.....he chirped kissing Aru's cheek before giving her to sanyukta..

She nodded en left for home..


Soon the evng crept in...

Randhir stepped inside her apartment....

There was some other feelings today unlike d other days when he use to come to meet only his princess..

The two girls whm he adore everyday r nw a part of hs lyf..oh it feels so great..

He mentaly smiled.,eyeing sanyukta who was working in d kitchen....

Hs heart was yet to believe that she is nw hs wife...

But she was abruptly silent.,may be coz of they bound in a new relation without any deep feelings except for Aru..

'dnt worry..just gve me sme time i'll make everythng ryt'..he murmured inwardly stepping towards d room.,whr d sole reason of hs newly lyf was playing with toys...


Hey darling come here....he chirped merrily settling hmself beside her on d floor en leaning hs back to d edge of d bed..

Do u knw....u r nw Aradhya shekhawat.......he grinned as she crawled to hs lap flashing her never ending smile....

Ur mumma too became i need sme time to make her realise that i actualy..*pause*..emmm let it be..he sighed continuing hs murmuring session..


Aru kept playing arround hm...just then she touched hs shoes.....

No baby that is dirty enough..he pulled her towards hm nd throw d shoes towards d door..

Nt knwing that sanyukta was cming towards them.....

Her leg slipped on hs shoes..

He widened hs eyes en immdiately closed them with hs palm....

And thud....

She fall on d bean bag nearby along with d snacks in her hand....


What the...she angrily looked at them..

Emm mujhe ni pata tha ,tm aarahi ho..he got up frm d floor with aru..

Huh...she quickly stood en walked to them..

But he moved behind d bed....

Kya?? She asked confusingly following them....

He kept moving round nd round arround d bed instead of giving Aru to her.,who was pretty much enjoying in hs arms.,it was clear frm her giggles..


Aap ruk kyn ni rahe ho..sanyukta frowned pausing her steps.

Re why r u following us?? He questioned back..

Huh...usko mujhe do..khana khilana hai usse..she stretched her hands.

Haan i'll feed her...he stepped back..

Kya kar rahe hain dono....she murmured nd again d running session started btwn them...


Her leg again slipped..thus she ended with landing on d bed..

Damn..she mumbled irritatingly..while

They both burst out of laughing.. ...

Sanyukta looked up glaring them hard.,making both to shut up their mouths.

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