Part 28

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Dude the guy...umm Purav was right...i mean u cant keep smeone's child with u until ur own future is secured...Sudeep shrugged...

Noo..i knw she loves d baby a lot..rd sighed leaning on d car.....

May be..but its nt legal...Sudeep looked at hm..


It has been one hour since everythng happened in sanyu's home...

Rd remembered how Purav was taken a back seeing hm standing beside Her...

So he simply left after giving her sme tym to thnk over hs purposal......

Randhir too left with sudeep providing some alone tym to sanyukta..whichshe actualy needed..


Isnt there any solution? Asked rd lightening d ciggarette..

Yeah...only if she would have a family or get marry....then they can easily adopt d baby nd can keep her with them...Sudeep answered in a serious tone..

Hmm...lets see what happens...Came rd's thoughtful voice..

Bdw who is she.??? He heard sudeep's nxt ques..

One of my employee in office..rd chipped nt meeting hs eyes...

Really??? And frm when rd singh shekhawat has started helping hs employees that too in their personal probs..? Sudeep raised hs curious brows...

Umm nthng lyk that....actualyd baby i call her princess.,we r very fond of each i use a lot of tym with her....He bit hs lips...

Oh..nw thats sth amazing.....sudeep chuckled..

Yeah..u'll too lyk her.....let ths mess to be cleared then i'll take u to meet her...he smiled,..

Yeah sure...Sudeep smiled back..


Soon the evng crept in...

Thus rd pressed d door bell of her house...atleasthe need to see whether everythng is alright or nt..

Maya opened d door....,en direct approached hm direct to d room whr Aru was playing with sme toys...


He sat on hs knees picking her up in hs arms...

Her tiny palm touched hs stubble.....he smiled pecking her cheeks.....

Sanyukta kahan hai? He asked turning to Maya..

Madam ji terrace pe hai..she answered...

Princess.,avi aap yahan khelo......mai thodi dair me ata hun..he tickled her a little to which she giggled..and he walked to d terrace..


Sanyukta was sitting quiet on d swing..

He did nthng but settled beside her..on a clear notice he could see her wet lashes..

Still he kept mum accompanying her feeling d silent air...she was well knwn of hs presence there...

Yet she wasnt sure whether she will be able to hold herself frm sharing her past with hm or nt...


10mins passed..yet none utter sth...


Vardhan suryavansi aur Arpita suryavansi mere dii aur jiju the....she chirped breaking d silence...

He looked at her widening hs orbs a little bt choosed to listen to her only...


Maa ., papa k baad dii aur mai dadi k sath rehte the.....

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