Part 76

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Dawn breezed in,Sanyukta yawned stretching her handsto the side ways.onsitting up on the bed she glanced at Aru,who was still in adeep slumber butrd's side was empty by then.It didn't surprise her,as he hadalready told her last night that he has somework,early morning.As soon as sheremembered the last night,her lips crawled into a pleasantsmile;hisconfession,how he shared his past holding her hand,then his cutedemands of notto reject him.Indeed Aru has a tough competitor in defining cuteness,but sheknows when theduo would be together it'll be tough for her to handle THEM.howshe wished to get rid of the current problem creator of their life NamedShinaas soon as possible;as it has been a long period since she hadwitnessedAru,Randhir teasing her together.Sighing at her last thought,shekissed Aru's forehead,beforewalking inside thewashroom to get herself freshenup.After taking a bath,when she came out her cell was already buzzing withanunknown number.Her gaze narrowed,seeing3missed calls from the number andbefore she could callback it again started ringing."Hello" shechirped receiving the call."Hey girl,its Shina here."sanyukta couldeasily assume,she was smirking from the other side."what do you want.?""yourhusband." Came shina's quick reply,followed by another smirk."LookMiss Shina,am happy that you finally accepted him as MY husband.soit would begreat if u'll accept another fact that he doesn't loveyou.Never." sanyuktaquipped in a cold voice,making Shina to greet herteeths."Looking like yourdearest hubby,have already told you everything aboutme.then you must be knowingthat 'I always Get what i wish to.'""Then you are wishing a WRONGperson this time,i won't let you to snatchhìm from the way if you aredone,i have some other work."Sanyuktastated firmly."Some otherwork,,i know your hubby shouldn't have gonealone, never cantrust me."Shina chuckled and disconnected the call,leaving sanyuktadazed."what did she mean by her words.?"Dropping the idea of callingRandhir,she quickly dressed up to leave foroffice,as only a call won't calm herdown.she need to see him Asap.Aru was still sleeping,so she decided not todisturb the little baby."Maria,take care of Aru.i'll be back in someminutes.And yeah make her eat something when she'll wake up."she guidedthe caretaker en left in a hurry.*********on reaching inside the officepremises,she took long steps towards hiscabin;hoping his presence there.Pushingthe glass door,when she entered in found Randhir talking with anelderly man;whowas looking like one of his business clients clad in a 3piecesuit.Randhirbecame a little surprised,seeing her all of asudden."Sanyukta?""come here." he added gesturing her,shefollowed his words and stoodbeside him."Sir,she is my wife sanyukta &sanyukta he is Mr Sahay ,Shina's Dad.ihad called him to make Shina understanden to take her back to London."Randhir finished,wrapping his hand arroundher shoulder."Oh.Namastey." she joined both of her palms,politely towhich theelderly man nodded his head receiving her greet."Randhir,as peryou said you have a daughter now,so can i expect you tothink once from afather's point of view.?" he asked in a serious voice.Both Sandhir keptmum,to listen further ."since Shina's mom left us,i had decided to giveshina everything that shewould never feel upset.Butslowly and gradually shebecame more stubborn,en started hurting others if shewasn't getting anything ofher wish."Mr Sahay sighed deeply and continued."As soon as i came toknow about it,i contacted a doctor.according to himShina has some psychiatricproblem.When you had filed a case against her in London en she was sent toahospital;after few months she got discharged.I thought she is getting well dayby day but i didn't know when she found outyour whereabouts and came toIndia,without informing me."as soon as he finished,Randhir passed him anassurance look."Honestly i wanted Randhir as my son-in-law ,but umm i canunderstand itsokay.i'll try to make Shina understand,don't worry."hepatted Randhir's shoulder once,before leaving.*********"Randhir,shina'sfather is really a nice person."Sanyukta pointedout."yeah,he is.bythe way you came all of a sudden,whathappened.?"Randhir raised hisbrow."umm,vo actually Shina ka call aaya tha mujhe.vo kuch bol rahi thiapkokuch karegi."she paused hanging her head low."oh toh koi merabodyguard banke aaya hai." he chuckled,earning aglare."Huh.!"she turned to leave only to be pulled back by him."Areyyy kahan jaa rahiho.?""wapas ghar." her reply came like a mere whishper,feelinghim kissingher shoulder."And what about my REPLY.?"He emphasized theword 'reply' a bit more,near her ear."what reply.?" she questionedback innocently.He frowned,making her turn to him to take a glance at her "ohso innocentface",which she was doing purposely."You don'tremember.?" he frowned again,when she shook her head in aNo.How can shemiss a chance,to hear I Love you from him again.?"Okay,let me remind youthen." he smirked a little,en started closingthe gap between theirfaces.This is how the plan backfired,her heartbeats started running fasterandfaster.'Shit,was she caught off guard.?' she mentally facepalmed herself,butfor nowshe was trapped.Before he could mix their lips,suddenly his phoneringed,bringingtheir momentto an abrupt pause.She pressed her lips together tosuppress her chuckle,and he made a face receivingthecall."what.?"confused lines appeared on her forehead,watching how hiscalm expression turnedto a shocked one ,then he became numb for a while."Randhir,kyahua.?" she asked,as he ended the call,still shocked."sanyukta don'task me anything,we need to leave." he pulled her bywrist along withhim,towards the exit."But Randhir what happened? Why are You sotensed.?" She askedagain,when they got inside the car and he started theengine.Soon the car halted near the mansion,yet she couldn't get her answerfrom him.He ran inside followed by her,she could easily sense something wasvery wrongen her face fell as he ran inside their room.Randhir's feet reachednear the bed,where some of the attendants werepresent;he quickly picked up Aruin his hand,patting her cheek lightly."Princess wake up."not a singlebuzz of her,ringed in his ear in return.Sanyukta stood beside him,urging to seewhat actually happened;and only shecould see Aru still sleeping in hisarms,with Foam sticking out of her littlemouth.

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