Part 71

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Nomatter how simple a truth is,but its always very hard to speak up when feargrip your soul..

Hetried,not once nt twice but many times to share with Her whatever was hauntinghis present,yet failed miserably thinking about the consequences ..

Enthe biggest question was Will she BELIEVE Him??? Or will leave him along withAru??

Noo..hegroaned closing his eyes..

Alsohe needs to think something for Shina first,before she would plan sth to harmthem..

Theresanyukta was busy in doing her paper works..

sheneeds to finish them asap,before submitting her resignation letter ...

Surprisinglyshe was feeling happy instead of bad for leaving the job,as now there will beenough time to spend with Aru..

Butwhat was troubling her,his tensed face since his friend Shina arrived to theirhome..

Friend??Yeah she must be the weiredst frnd,who made him nthng but pissed off..

Mostimportantly what was he tensed for??

i'llwait till he'll confess by his own...she thought..

Justwhen her cell beeped with a msg from unknown number..

"HeyShina here,can we meet somewhere? I want to talk sth very important with you..

Anddon't inform ur Husband about this.."

sheread it & wondered frm where She got HER number??

enwhy did she refuse to inform Randhir anything?..

"Itsabout Randhir only"..her cell beeped with next msg..

Letme meet her,then i'll tell Randhir everythng..she murmured ,gave Mr khanna anexcuse nd left for the cafe ,whose address was given by Shina in the next msg..


Infew mins she reached there,

whereShina was already sipping her coffee.

Ohhhy...she waved her hands spotting sanyu at a distance..

Shepassed a smile and took a seat at the front seat while Shina ordered foranother coffee..

Sowhy did u call me?? Sanyukta asked straight..

Looki don't want to confuse you or anythng else..

Socoming to point,in mrng rd introduced me as his friend but our relation is sthmore than that..

ILOVE HIM...HE TOO LOVES ME..though he never confessed,but i know ...its justthat he was confused over his feelings when he came back to India...

Im nt surprised if he got married to you to keep your daughter to urself....sometimeshe love to do charity,like his father..

Butthe fact is " I Am here to take him back to London with me...and i can doANYTHING to GET him.."

shinafinished with a smirk..

Sanyuktastared her in utter shock..

Howcome she knew SO MANY things about them? Love? He never shared anything likethis..

Whatdid you mean by Anythng?? Shina heard her asking..

Girl,younever know what can i do..she smirked again..

SeeMiss Shina,i have nthng to do with rd's past..we r happy in our present..andthank u for the coffee...sanyukta stood up nd was about to leave when her voicemade her stop..

Dou know ,who is PURAV??..

Howdo u know him??

Sanyuktaquestioned back.

Doesn'tmatter..Main point is, he told me that HE WANT YOU at any cost...

Andunfortunately he even didn't hesitate before counting your daughter in thatCost list...

Soyou have to choose between RANDHIR & ur DAUGHTER....!!


Precap: shina was about to kissrd,sanyukta witnessed it.

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