Part 16

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The night hushed away.,witnessing a newly little bond btwn two strangers.....

As soon as d sun raised its head .,rd stepped inside his most current fav workplace with his signature charm en attitude..

Yes he couldnt denied bt d place was giving hm so much peace....unlike hs London branch whr he always felt only proffesional...


The employees greeted him with a gd mrng.,he nodded while hs gaze fall on d empty desk of her....

Ths girl can never be on tym..he rolled hs eyes before settling inside hs cabin..


He checked sme files but soon hs mind drove away to d direction.,whr he was roaming arround probably whole night..

The little girl with serene smile.,though he had spent nt so much tym with her bt that moment was already pasted in hs heart en brain as well..

He smiled remembering how she was playing with hs tie and stubble..


Sir we have a meeting nw...Mr khanna's voice brought hm back frm hs thoughts...

Hmm..yeah..rd mumbled..

Sry sir maine knock kiya bt apka ans ni aya issliye andar aagaya...Mr khanna lowered hs gaze..

Its ok..u go m cming...Randhir replied fixing hs gaze on d laptop..

Mr khanna nodded en left..


In sme mins rd entered d conference hall.,whr everyone was waiting for him...

Again he found her chair empty.,

mr khanna., whr is Miss Agarwal?? He greeted hs teeths in irritation..

Sorry sir wo....Mr khanna stammered..

Rd looked away en sat on hs chair thus starting d meeting...


The presentation started bt rd found it less interested..

Just then d door clicked open nd a familiar scent hit hs nostrils..

He kept hs gaze fixed on d projector.,trying hard nt to look at her..

Sorry..sorry sir..she huffed taking her seat...

How long he can able to controle hmself when she was sitting beside hm only..

Rolling hs eyes here nd there,he took a glance of her...


She was wearing a green en black salwar suit while her hairs were tied with a bun.....

She looks pretty enough in simplicity....hs inner mind concluded..

Wht d hell m just checking out a girl that too in a meeting...nxt moment he growled....

Sanyu just turned her head nd found her boss gawking at her without a blink.

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