Part 2

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a..u need to teach sme manners too...Randhir taunted eyeing d girl who was collecting d papers frm d floor..

Sir m sry.....m a bit late..the girl chipped in a low voice .,while standing up en handed d file to Mr khanna..

Rd greeted hs teeths seeing such an ignorance towards hm..that too frm a girl.......

Like really..??

Whr ppl trembles in fear front of hm..there a bloody girl was getting on hs nerves..

Mr khanna made a little horrified face...looking at randhir..

Sir she is Sanyunkta Agarwal our....before he could cmplete rd showed hs palm to stop..

Sanyukta slightly looked at rd..nd then rolled her gaze over all......

It took few secs to make her understand..that d man standing front of her is none other than d new boss of d cmpany..

Everyone was standing hanging their head a little if d man was a british ruler en they were hs servants..

Bt she stood straight..

While rd walked upto her..

Do i need to explain..what mistake u did Ms late comer...he glared her with a murderous look..

Sir umm..that wasnt my werent looking up..she mouthed in a cold voice..

Resulting sme of arround gasped at her answer......they so knew sanyukta before...,that she never stands for anythng wrong..

Oh..nw u'll tell me what is wrong nd what is right..??

Wow Mr khanna u have appointed so talented employees here..Rd shook hs head in a sarcastic voice..

Mr khanna he was nw sure that hs job was hanging on a sword.....

The man who supposed to be very impressed by hs works..nw was looking damn angry..

Am sry if u cant accept ur own fault .,then m ur noone to say a sorry on ur behalf.....she mouthed straight looking into hs eyes..

You are fired....and i'll make sure,u wont get a job anywhr...He clenched hs jaw....nd walked out of d hall..leaving all in utter shock including sanyukta..

Sme hours later...

She walked inside her apartment....nd sat on d couch letting out a heavy sigh...

Nw wht to to manage everythng...

The job was d only way of her income.......

Which was just snatched away for a silly reason..or a silly man...

The home she was staying in..was too granted by d cmpany..

En she was ordered to leave it as soon as possible..

She even didnt tried to convince her newly boss...

Well nthng can be expected frm that man..who simply cant recognize hs own fault.......

Bt d only thng was ringing in her ear Mr khanna's last words to her..

Randhir singh shekhawat was a man of hs words....

he never fails to do what he says....

So it'll be very foolish..if she'll try to survive by taking hs words lightly..

She drank sme water......nd walked towards d stairs asiding that suffocating incident..

Maya..Aru kahan hai?? She asked turning to d maid who came back frm d garden., finishing sme of her work..

Babyji toh so gayi hain....Maya answered passing a smile..

Sanyukta nodded nd tiptoed to her room..whr a 7mnths old soul was sleeping peacefuly surrounded by pillows on d cot......

Whose one glimpse was enough to flew away every tension frm her mind....

She was d only one is said to be her family.....

She sat beside her..nd kissed her forehead.....when a hot drop fall on her cheek frm her orbs...

Sanyu wiped them away immediately thnking nt to let anyone to rule over her lyf....

The only option she had to leave d city...away frm d hurdles with her little Angel..
My Other Books -
1. Just Not Friends
2. The Deal
3. I Still Love You
4. Second Chance

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