Part 9

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Randhir was hardly interested in d d tym Mr Batra nd Mr Arun approached sanyukta to join them...

Dnt knw why he was getting damn angry with each sec..

Ms sanyukta have sme drink....Mr Arun smiled..

Sanyu who was looking here nd there..suddenly gasped.....

Before she could say sth..rd interupted btwn..

She dnt drinks Mr Arun......he chipped firmly without looking at her he clearly understood her disapproval frm her face..

Oh cmon Mr shekhawat.,its just a drink....these r normal here..Mr Batra smiled carelessly..

No sir.,i dnt drink en its nt a nrmal thng for me...sry...sanyu mouthed quickly..

Both d men kept their mouth shut..

Randhir chuckled inwardly..thnking

she never backed off frm telling truth straight.......

On d other hand.,sanyu was too confused seeing rd's behaviour..

He'll take stand for her at ths short of situation..was sth outta her expectation..

He is arrogant...but respects women...her brain concluded..

Can we talk about d meeting?? Rd glared d two men front of hm..

He didnt had mre patience to accompany them in the idiotic place...

whts d hurry Mr shekhawat....we have already discussed d project in ur office na..only few thngs r first enjoy sme tym then we'll talk about d work......Mr Batra sipped hs drink..

Rd rolled hs eyes..only to found Arun gawking at sanyukta tym to tym..

Enough nw...he growled in mind..nd took hs ph frm hs pocket..pretaining of receiving a msg..

Oh..Mr Batra.,i have to leave nw...actualy i have an we can discuss d rest of d project in d office..okay..bye...Rd sd in a go.,getting up frm d couch..

Sanyu too got up instantly...

Thus rd walked away of d pub..pulling sanyu's hand with hm..without waiting for Mr Batra's reply....

She was dumbfounded by d sudden action.,bt couldnt utter a word except following hs path..

He left her hand until they reached at d parking area..

She turned to go.,önly to be stopped by hm..

Stay here only..m bringing my car..He chipped firmly...

No its k..mai jaa sakti hun..thank u sir.....she answered in a cold voice..

The nxt moment she was pinned to a car near by..,

he glared her with a murderous look...

Why cant u just follow my words..without opening ur filthy mouth...he gritted hs teeths.

I told u sir...i can manage..she tried to free herself....

Oh..if any shit will happen to u..then u'll blame me right.....he clenched hs jaw..

U r nt my guardian....i would lyk to thank u for wht u did inside d nw i can manage myself...she spat back.

Tmrw my cabin at sharp 8am..Ms Agarwal.....just be on tym..otherwise u knw...he glared jerking her off....

Nd left frm there...

The night hushed away.....sanyu had spent d rest of d tym in office to finish her pending files..

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