Part 80

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A week rolled down in the horizon.

Everything seemed to be falling in normal place,as Aru got discharged from hospital,bringing a life back in her parents.

Sanyukta gave her undevided attention in taking care of her angel,not willing to take further risk by appointing a care-taker like Maria.

While Randhir skipped his office just to spend more and more time with his princess,until he'll be fully convinced that she is completely fine now.

But what irked sanyukta,was randhir's lack of attention arround her.he was hardly exchanging any convo since the day shina and purav got arrested and she knew he was angry on her.

Everytime she tried to talk to him,either he went away faking an excuse or avoided the topic,making her to feel more guilty and tough to handle his anger at the same time.

Though she had felt him,caressing ,assuring her every night,yet She was missing him,craving to share something with him,but that seemed far away as her regular 'sorry' didn't work anyway.

It was another normal morning,when Randhir came out of the washroom,in his formals to leave for office.

Since the previous day only,he joined his work place back and currently was running late for a meeting.

Just then sanyukta came walking inside the room with his coffee mug,only to found him talking over a call en struggling with his tie by his one hand.

Placing the mug on a table,she went near him,then stretched her hand towards his tie.

Their hands touched ,making him to look at her and to forget he was over a call as well.she looked down in order to knot his tie,when he took his own hand back letting her to do what she was doing by then and resumed talking with the client.

once she was done,looked up urging to start up a conversation,but he was in way too hurry.

"Randhir,mujhe aapse baat karni hai."

"sanyukta i have an important meeting,and i'll return late today."He mouthed in a cold voice,grabbing his laptop bag quickly,then turned to leave,,hence her face fell that instant.

Suddenly a squeal sound made the duo to turn their heads at particularly one direction.

There Aru was standing facing a wall,holding a table by her one hand for support and banging her tiny fist of another hand on the wall,as if trying to cross it.

"thats a wall baby." Randhir chuckled rushing to her,en picked her up in his arms with a swift.

She giggled her cutest,as he pecked her cheeks followed by nose and stretched her hand to play with his perfectly gelled hair,her recent favourite hobby.

"Aru,yahan aao aap.papa office jaa rahe hain,baal gande hojayenge unke." sanyukta tried to take her from him.

"so what? She is allowed to do what she wants." he snapped back.

"Abhi aapko LATE nahi horaha.?" she frowned.


"karo jo karna hai." she fumed,walking out of the room.

Can't he see,she was guilty? Can't he see,she was making efforts to melt his anger? Moreover he was distancing themselves,evenafter her confession,thatmade her feel like HELL.

On the other side,Randhir sighed deeply.

"i know am going hard on her,but she needs to trust me enough that i can take her every problem away by my own."

he pecked his princess's cheek for the last time,before leaving for office.


as the midnight appeared,Randhir returned home really late,after summonding his official chaos.

His absence from the last few days,resulted the loads of work at a time and his tired ness.

Walking inside their room,his tired muscles relaxed eyeing the sight front of him.

Sanyukta was sleeping on the bed,with Aru lying over her chest and a pair of protective hands arround her frame.

He tried not to make any sound,that will disturb their sleep but just a step ahead and sanyukta squeezed her eyes open only to latch with his.

She was waiting for it only,en this time she wasn't going to tolerate his cold answers.

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