Part 73

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She wanted him to push away,making him realise she was angry and he need to clarifyevery damn misunderstanding inbetween them..

Buthe was so much busy in sucking her lips aggressively yet too strong for her tostrugle under his hold..

Youdon't trust me,otherwise you would have question me there instead of walkingaway when she was leaning over me...He mouthed distancing himself suddenly.

Exactlyi DON'T trust you , so sorry to disturb you in your cabin...she snapped backglaring him and quickly left with teary eyes..

Heclosed his eyes sighing deeply..

Whathappened Shekhawat,ur wife was crying while leaving from here..Shina smirkedstanding near the door..

GetLost before i'll raise my hand on a girl for the first time...He threw amurderous glare at her..

Don'tworry i'll be arround you,i'll love you more than anyone that u'll forget ur socalled wife and daughter in some days..Shina smirked again..

Randhirgrabbed her forearm and took her towards the exit ,no matter the employees whowere present in the hall by then stared at their boss curiously..

Idon't allow outsiders in my office & home as throw her outtaher..He screamed at the top of his voice..

Shekhawatu have to regret for it..shina gritted her teeths before leaving from there...


hewent back to his cabin and dialed sanyu's number that instant..

Thecall went unanswered first ,then she cut it on the second ring..

Justthen someone knocked the door ..

Comein..he replied half heartedly..

Sir,ye sanyukta ka resignation letter ...She told me to give u this...Mr khannachipped forwarding a letter to him..

Keepthis letter with you,m going home and yeah cancel all the meetings..Randhirsaid quickly rushing towards his car..

Withinfew mins the car reached his mansion..

Gettingoff it he ran inside praying his stars not to let his worst nightmare to cometrue,

whatif she would decide to leave him and his home taking Aru with her?

Aquestion raised in his mind but he groaned avoiding it as his steps halted neartheir room.

Theabnormal heartbeats breathed in relief finding Sanyukta sitting on the bed andAru playing beside her..

Ona close view he could notice her tear striken lashes,which she wiped awayspotting him near the door..


Beforehe could complete ,she interupted him in middle.

Seei shouldn't have reacted that way,am sorry..We got married for the sake ofAru,i know you love her so much so i won't stop u in anything relates to her...

Inother way i shouldn't interfere in ur Personal life and this won't happen again..never..she finished in a go not meeting his gaze en started walking away ofthe room only to be stopped by him..

Hisface fell a little at her words,but soon on composing himself he pulled her bywrist..

Areyou Done ? Now will u listen to Me??..

No..letme go,i have some work..she snapped back trying to free herself.

Doit later...he pulled her close nd pasted their frames together locking his armsarround her waist..

Leaveme..she groaned.

Nom nt leave you,neither today nor Forever..

Yesswe got married for Princess,but do you know i had started feeling for that girlwho used to challenge me since the day one i had joined here...

Itried to trouble her,to pain her but ended with Falling for her..yes I Love Younot because of, you are my princess's mumma or something else..i even don'tknow exactly why and since when i started thinking to make you MINE....

Hestated honestly,makingher stare him in disbelief.

was fearipZ

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