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Story of a girl who has secluded herself all throughout her highschool life, to avoid unnecessary situations. Because she believes that everyone is just faking it. 

WHY? you say, that's because...

There was once an instance when she went to the toilet room, never would have thought that she would overhear someone talking ill about someone else so bad, feeling sorry for that person, whoever they were talking about, and felt instantly disgusted with those people. It's such a pity for that person to have these girls to be friends with her, not knowing they had the illest intent.

Another incident was when her innocent stroll during break time ended up her accidentally witnessing an intimate scene, but then later on, she learned that the guy whom he saw that time was just having a bet with his other friends. Poor girl.

And to make matters worse, there's this one classmate she had, she was so... how to say this... invisible? Like, not that she's unattractive or anything, it's just that, she never socialized with any of them, at all. Why? because she never really did try. She's wearing this old fashion style, big square glasses and typical braids and braces, which she might have assumed the kind of look that nobody would like to be friends with. Not cool.

However, Hyunjae is different. For her, looks and status doesn't matter. Plus, the girl was a smarty ass. If everybody else thinks that being smart is a turn off, Hyunjae thinks otherwise. She is not everybody else. Meeting someone with a weak soul makes Hyunjae want to be friends with them. So she had tried to reach out to the girl and fortunately made at least five interactions with her, most especially school related stuff that is, whenever she was being left out for any school projects or whatnot. And so, back to the real deal, that nerdy girl is named Kyungmi, the worst part is, she was friends with the most popular guy in school, Lu Han.

This guy Lu Han was born Chinese but grew up in Korea. He is childhood friends with Kyungmi. When everyone learned that both of them were so close to each other, there were some who were pretty furious, some envious, even jealous with the fact. They made friends with her, not because they really want to, but because they thought it's their only leeway to be friends with the popular guy. This is one reason as well why Hyunjae is trying to refrain herself from approaching the girl, because she never wanted to be labeled the same as everyone else.

But then, time came that they would bully Kyungmi everyday, without the knowledge of Lu Han. Whenever he's there, they had to play their most insincere affection towards Kyungmi. Kyungmi can't say a thing because she was always threatened. And faith brought it that Lu Han learned what was really happening and it drove him mad because it was then too late. His fury was the least thing they expected from the kind and sweet guy that they know of. Surprised as everyone was, for the most popular guy to give up his popularity for the nerdy girl, everything changed. His friend Kyungmi? Unfortunately she had to transfer. And that's what made Lu Han become what he is right now, a loner himself, just like Hyunjae. Losing all trust and faith amongst other.

How will the guys that Hyunjae will be meeting soon change her way of life and perception to things? Will she be willing to change and accept them or stayed as is..?

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