[54] Will You?

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"So you're like my younger sister? Can you call me oppa then?" Baekhyun giddily asked bouncing in front of me gripping my hands with both of his. I was surprised at first, confused as to what he was requesting but then I laughed as I find it really funny. Despite the intense feeling of someone boring a hole into someone right now, I did as I was ask, trying to ignore it.

"O-Oppa...?" I hesitantly mumbled giggling, eyebrows furrowed. Attempting to not make it sound like I'm enjoying it just to not irk the other guy in the room. But, I think I'm failing on that part.

"Oh my god! How cute!" Baekhyun jumped towards me unexpectedly, which I gasped turning my head towards the guy sitting from afar. Eyes wide in shock, mouth agape and I thought it was funny too, I was about to laugh but I held it in. I looked at Jongin with eyes wide as I slowly shook my head, as if telling him I don't have anything to do with it, and he just sighed frustratingly, slumping his body back on the couch, crossing his arms, shifting his gaze to anywhere but us. "Say it again!" Baekhyun demanded cheerily, that's when I bursted laughing.

"You're totally enjoying it!"

"Excuse me, I did not!" I defended, "Why would you think that?" 

"He's just jealous."

"I think so too..."

"I'm not jealous!"

"Yah right..." Luhan mocked.

"I am not. He's just being clingy."

"Says by the guy himself."

"I know right." I commented before Luhan and I started laughing.

"Stop laughing, there's nothing funny. And why were you still here anyway?" Jongin bitterly pointed to Luhan, who was sitting on Jongin's chair, while I was leaning on his table standing beside Luhan, Jongin on his bed. 

Luhan rose up from the chair as he surrendered his hand in mid-air. "Way to thank the guy who helped carry you all the way to the clinic and to the front gate, asshole. Don't worry, I'm actually on my way out. Seems like you're much better now. See you both on monday." Luhan snickered smirking, and I saw how Jongin's face stiffened and I rolled my eyes to Luhan.

"That's enough. I'll send you out," I offered but I was halted by Luhan's hand shoved in front of my face.

"No need! I can manage. Just take care of this little piece of shit, before he looses his mind," I chuckled hitting Luhan lightly on his arm, and the latter winced.

"I told you! stop hitting me over and over on the same spot!" He hissed rubbing his arm.

"Yah... You're overreacting. It barely even touched"

"Touché" He said and we both chuckle. "Bye Hyunjae," Luhan said giving me a peck on the cheek before sticking his tongue out to Jongin, I was stunned. I turned towards Jongin and I saw him became furious.

"Yah! Lu Han! Get back here!" He growled and I closed the door sighing.

When I turned around he's back was already facing me. I marched towards the sleeping figure, although he's not actually sleeping, but sulking. For others, they might perceive his action as annoying or very immature. However, I don't. Actually, I find it very affectionate and exciting. Why? I don't know either. It's just, whenever I find him being jealous or possessive to every little things I do or to every people I met, the  feeling of assurance is there. Like I know that he wants me, needs me and that I belong to him and he belongs to me. Whenever I get those kinds of pleasure, I don't tend to question it anymore. That's why, even if he acts all mature or otherwise, I'll never get sick and tired of this guy.

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