[48] Thank You

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"Can I talk to you?" I uttered at the girl standing by the door way. I've been looking for her since this morning since I wanted to talk to her about what happened yesterday. It surprises me that she didn't show any tension at all from being guilty. No fear but only resolution about something is present.

"I've been wanting to." She uttered not leaving her gaze at me.

I stood up and trudge towards her, enough distance where we could hear each other properly. As I was about to start interrogating her, she cutted me off saying she wants to speak first. I nodded indicating for her to proceed, and so she did after she took a deep breathe and settling her unwavering gaze into me.

My eyebrows furrowed at the words she had spoken. I was deeply contemplating whether to believe her or not, since, it's Minji who I was talking to right now. The very same person who had cause Hyunjae's heartache before. But somehow, her words are exploding with hurt and sincerety.

She had told me everything base on her point of view. And it's totally different from what Yura had told me. At first I was really skeptic about it, but somehow deep inside me something is telling me I should believe her this time. I don't know what or how am I going to do that, but I only have one thing in mind. I need to talk to her.

"I don't care if you'll believe me or not. But I can assure you, for the first time in─I don't know how many times─that I had talk to you, everything I had spoken today is the truth. We've stopped. I have stopped. I wanted you to know that we don't want to make another same mistake like what we did before. I can totally accept now that you can't help but suspect me from doing that to her after what we had done to Hyunjae before, but I wanted you to know, that never... even once... I had laid my hands on Choi Yura."

"Thank you." Where the only words that had left my mouth when I finally made my way out of the room to look for certain someone. I went to the cafeteria hoping to see her there, since it's where I had last seen her. I asked the group of students she was with earlier and they had told me, she was gone few seconds ago together with Hyunjae, after she had invited her to have a talk. I whipped my head towards our usual table and I didn't see any sign of my girlfriend and Luhan hyung sitting there, so i had decided to make a run and search for them to wherever they could be right now, doing that "talking' thing they were talking about. I made a right choice when I had decided to look at the back of the school first, since it's where Yura and Minji had talked earlier this morning base on what the latter had told me awhile ago. And I almost scream my lungs out when I saw Luhan by the corner, leaning his back on the wall.

"Where's Hyunjae?" I asked panting and Luhan stood up straight as he cocked his head on the corner of the wall, as if trying to not be seen, so I did the same and I saw the both of them─Hyunjae and Yura─having the 'talk'. 

That's when we heard Hyunjae spoke with no hint of humor in the tone of his voice. "Take that back,"

I didn't mean to eavesdropped, we didn't. But we have no choice but to hear everything that they have spoken since both of them were almost half shouting from rage. 

"I don't need your opinion. Jongin had agreed and the date is going to happen whether you like it or not." After hearing Yura uttered those words, I had the urge to finally step in into their conversation. But Luhan had stopped me even before I had to make my first step. I peered at him and without exchanging any words, I had understood what he meant.

All of Hyunjae's words were a melody to my ears. Although she had expressed her words a bit calm than necessary I can feel how she's been hurting deep inside. The way she had defended me in her every words, made me want to run into her and pull her in between my arms.

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