[44] What happened...

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I wasn't able to come to school today, because everyone insisted I should not. They said I need to take a good one day rest since I just recovered from an all-night frenzy. Now I'm starting to get worried for Jongin remembering the kissed we had in the school clinic yesterday. I wish he wouldn't caught it. 

Earlier this morning Jongin paid me a visit before he went to school. He told me the things I had missed while I was out of it, since I wasn't really in my best state of mind yesterday. I'd be lying if I said I didn't felt annoyed after hearing that that Yura girl was now attending the class for some unexplainable reasons. Why would someone choose to attend classes in their vacation just to experience how it's like to come to school to other countries? Although I already knew why I just choosed to ignore it. But Jongin made me considered to be gratified at least for it not be a year, but for only a week. And somehow it made me cringe when Jongin didn't missed to tell me that that spoiled brat sat in my freaking seat. And my homeroom teacher had offered it to her as if he doesn't considered me as his own student─Jongin didn't intend to let me know, it just slipped. 

"I want you to be with me today but you have to take a good rest," Jongin heaved a sigh brushing my face with the back of his hand, "you need to get well soon or else she'll take over your seat until the end.."

The mere thought of her occupying my seat, which was just beside Jongin's made me want to pull my hair out, "I told you I'm ok now, I can go--" I wailed but was cut-off.

"No! you won't, you'll stay. As much as I want you be with me, I can't risk you stressing yourself and catch a cold again," He said passionately. I chuckled inwardly seeing him react like this. I know he's being serious right now, but I can't help but tease him a bit.

Hovering my hand on top of his which was cupping my face I mumbled, "Are you sure this isn't a reason for you to get a lone time with that spoiled-brat?" with a straight face.

Jongin's jaw dropped, "Aish!" he hissed knocking my head lightly, "I dare you say that again!" he said half shouting. I pressed the part to where he had knocked me pretending I got a headache and muttered, "ugh, my head.." he then rose in panic, "Oh god! I'm sorry!... does it hurt?" His pressed hgis hands on both sides of my head trying to rub it, but I kept my eyes closed as if I was still in pain. "Hyunjae-ah... baby... oh my god I'm so sorry..." and I sobbed on his chest as he held me tight, then fits of laughter came right after.

"Yah! are you joking with me right now?" he gasped in disbelief.

I stumbled to the side of my bed, hitting the matress as I kept on laughing. I heard a low groaned came from him and I took it as a sign that I should stop. I sat up once again catching my breath. I looked up at him unknotting his arms placed in front of his chest, hauling him into me. "I'm sorry... it's just you're so cute, I can't help but tease you..." I stated grinning widely at him. 

He scoffed raffling my hair, "I'm not cute, you are." he said standing up preparing to leave for school and for some reason I was waiting for him to do it─but it didn't came. Has he gotten sick and tired of it, or rather at me? I felt my heart dropped from disappointement as I sighed unknowingly. Then, as if he could read my mind he turned around the same time he twisted the door knob, as he uttered the words, "No kisses until I get home, that's payback for teasing me. Behave and take a  good rest okay?" he winked before shutting the door closed. 

I groaned from frustration and I don't know why: probably because of the mere fact someone is taking my place right now at school, probably as well that 'that someone' is trying her best to hog and keep herself existing in the eye of my boyfriend; or maybe because I didn't get at least a quick peck─I wonder how could Jongin take it not getting any, because as far as I could remember, he's one who can't keep himself not having get all touchy and intimate. I wonder what they're doing right now?

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