[49] Who Are You?

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The ridiculousness of the things that had happened for the past few days ─ you could add as well the time when you got sick over night, and made you miss some certain episodes ─ made your energy level drained to the lowest level, that you can't help but fell asleep earlier than you had expected last night. The last thing you remembered before falling asleep were the two guys cowering on both of your sides. 

For some unknown reason, you didn't felt what time did Kyungsoo got off your bed and probably went towards his own room,  but when it comes to Jongin, your consciousness automatically wakes you up as you felt and heard some shuffling on your side of your bed. With a heavy lidded eyes, you forced yourself to flatter them open and peered at the moving shadow beside you.

"What's wrong?" You asked groggily bringing yourself up when you noticed him sitting on the edge of your bed, his back facing you.

"Nothing. Go back to sleep," He whispered softly. His voice were like a lullaby to your ears that you automatically laid yourself back on the bed. You felt him brushes his fingers on the side of your face, and cupping it. The sweet sensation made you hovered your hands on top of his and you heard a light chuckle coming out from his mouth ─ your eyes were shut close willing to listen to every sound of his ─ which made the corner of your lips tugged upwards.

"You're warm..." You whispered interlacing your fingers on his.

"Are you sleep talking?" The tanned guy asked as he positioned himself comfortably back on your side. 

You snuggled close into his warmth dragging your hands on top of his chest.

"I... am not..." You answered weakly. You felt Jongin shivered onto your hold and it made your eyebrows furrowed, eyes still close. "Are you cold?" You don't know if it would help, but the only way you could think of is pull him closer into your body as you pressed your nose at the nook of his neck. Weird, you internally commented. Jongin didn't answer back instead he just pulled you towards him and the both of you snuggled into each others warmth. Only seconds of silence had passed and you're already back into dreamland.


The next morning, you woke up alone in the bed. As much as your body wants to stay in bed, your mind says otherwise.

Endure Hyunjae, endure. One more day and it's already the weekend.

With an unmotivated mind, you dragged yourself up and started preparing for school. Took your breakfast which was prepared by Kyungso, and headed out to school. Of course, you'd check on Jongin before you went on, since you're supposed to go to school together, but for some unexplainable reason ─ very unexplainable  since no one knows ─ Jongin was already gone.


Well yeah probably. But you thought, maybe something urgent had happened that's why he needed to go to school ahead of you. And had no time to discuss it, since you're such a sleepy-head. Well I'm sorry I'm not a morning person.

Unknowingly you started to doubt yourself, Well! It's not like he's obligated to tell me, everything and every minute what he needs to do, thinks, eat, likes, etc. Since... I'm just his girlfriend! You rant internally in exasperation. 

You were so lost deep in your thoughts, when you accidentally bumped onto someone else that made you stumbling back. The impact was so hard that your butt met with a loud thud on the ground.

"Oh God! I'm so sorry! I-- I didn't mean it really! I.. I was in a hurry and.. and--" You held your hand up in front of the guy's face? ─ not sure since your eyes were still shut close, from mourning the pain ─ who's suffering in panic, and you breathed heavily, "It's okay... bad things happen sometimes, and that sometimes is now," You chuckled unknowingly at your lame words. You slowly opened your eyes after you felt the pain started to subside. 

Your POV

"I-I'm really sorry..." He bowed right after he had helped me stood up. He doesn't look familiar, is he a new student. He's wearing the same uniform as ours, and I can definitely swear it's the first time I've seen this guy.

A guy not too tall but not shorter than me, with a define brown orbs, and brunette colored locks, his facial looks feminine, and for a second ─ after seeing his face earlier, I admit I got jealous ─ I thought he's a girl, with a boy haircut, but his uniform says otherwise. His skin is almost fairer than Kyungie, but still, no one beats Kyungie's white skin. I noticed how feminine her fingers were as well, as he held my arms earlier as he helped me. Who are you?

"It's okay..." I smiled trying to be cordial.

Somehow I still feel new about this making friends thingy, but in any way I don't feel anything bad news emitting from this guy, that's why I felt myself being all friendly to him ─ aside from him being too over goodlooking, that's seriously going to be a prob.

"A-Are you sure, you're okay?" He asked still a bit in panic.

"I'm good.. it's just a scratch..." I said flailing my wrist, his eyes widened after seeing my bruised palm.

"Nooo... No! We need to cure that! That will surely leave ugly marks..." He's now half shouting, eyes widening and that made me chuckle.

"Chillax... it's just a scratch..." I said laughing and he just looked at me confused and pouting, aw cute... "No need to worry about this...by the way, aren't you in a hurry?" and that made his eyes grew even wider, but not wide enough. 

"Oh my God! you're right! I'm- I'm really sorry... by the looks of your uniform, I guess we'll see each other again, and I really hope we do! See you!" He said in panic, shouting the latter words as he run his way towards our school.

"Jongin's going to be ballistic..." I mumbled chuckling, but then I remembered, I'm supposed to be mad at him for leaving me behind... but wait, No! I'm supposed to be an understanding and supportive girlfriend... not... not this!

Right at the same time I shouted the last word in my thoughts. I flinched when I heard a loud honk at my side, not realizing I was about to cross the road when the traffic is still on going. Argh! I need to stop this useless thoughts, it's getting me into too much trouble. Furrowing my brows, pouting, I continued my way to the school as soon as the red light appears, still contemplating in the end, why Jongin went ahead of me, and decided to leave me behind. Stupid, stupid Jongin!


[A/N] Here's a very quick and short update! I can't seem to relax my mind not updating. I just had to do this in the middle of reviewing. I have a bad news and a good news. I won't ask what you wanted to hear first, since I'm going to say it now anyway...lol (i'm leaving you no choice)

Okay the good news is, I'd be updating few more chapters this coming weekends, but the BAD NEWS is my examination week got extended until next week. So that means, I won't get to focus on updating much (daily as I was planning to), particularly by next week. 

Can someone guess who could be that guy? I tried my best on describing him, and I guess you could already tell who that guy is..because of that one certain part of him which every girl is so envious of him having it lol

Hope you liked this update!

Please do comment if you did! :)

And I would like to deeply thanked my new subscribers!!! 

as well as 'eunshiia' and 'TingkerAngelBell' for wishing me luck on my exam!

Good luck on your exams too, if you're having it as well! ;)

Let's do our best! Fighting! xoxo

See you guys on the next update!


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