[29] Sudden revelation

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The sun was almost setting, when me and  Luhan settled to had this conversation in my brother's cafe. Originally, the plan was just to eat, after a long exasperating day we had. But moments later, I took all my courage to break out this news to Luhan, and it turned out he had one as well.

"A-Actually..." I hesitantly said breathing my lungs out. But the next thing he said took me by surprise.

"You and Jongin were already dating." he said coolly. He knows? Like how did he know?

"H-how? I stuttered once again aghast.

"Jongin had told me earlier today when we accidentally met along somewhere." I darted him with an inquisitive look, wondering where could that somewhere actually be.

"And...?" I trailed off, wanting him to continue, expecting him to say something somewhere along the line of 'How did it happen?' or 'Didn't you like me even for a bit' or 'Haven't you even considered about my feelings?' but there was none, and the next thing he said took me by surprise, again.

"You don't have to worry about me Hyunjae-ah." he said still smiling rigidly. 

"Really?" I asked still skeptic. I wasn't expecting him to react this way. I felt half relieved and a bit disappointed somehow. But I choose to feel the former, it's a good thing I guess.

"So you're totally fine with it?" I asked which I totally felt stupid right after. How could I asked that!?

"Well it's not like I can do anything about it now right?" Luhan vividly stated as a matter-of-factly. I felt my cheeks warmed up from embarassement, but in a good way.

"So..." I trailed off once again, trying to change the subject now. "You have something to say to me too right?" I affirmed. He begun to fidget right after I asked him, but even before he could answer my query, Sehun came with an ice pack in his hand, and two glasses of water in a tray on his other. 

Sehun placed the tray on top of the table and bent down to Luhan, yanking his sprained foot. Which the latter pushed lightly the younger man by the shoulder.

"I-I can do it." but the younger man didn't budge and continued to pressed the ice pack on Luhan's ankle. The latter stayed his head down until Sehun decided to leave the both of us, since customers started to crowd, and they needed more help in the counter. Rather than aiding a flustered deer boy.

"O-kaaay~" I said when Luhan begun to choke on his own breath.

"I-It's not what it l-looks like." waving his hands in mid-air.

"I wasn't saying anything" you retorted with a questioning look. Giggling mentally.

"Fine!" he sighed in frustration as he ruffled his hair. "Promise me that you won't judge me in anyway after this?" he asked which made me raise my eyebrows but at the same time, I'm already having an idea to what was he trying to imply. I just nodded my head frantically ushering him to go on.

Luhan shamelessly confessed right at my face saying he had liked me ever since he had stepped foot on our school. He had several attempts to approach me, but I was nowere near from being friendly that time, that's why he held back himself for several times as well. He even told me that his childhood friend Kyungmi - the one who was bullied - would always say good things about me to him, that's why he had developed his feelings for me faster than he ever thought. When faith gave us a chance to be friends, he told me he was more than happy and he thought his heart was going to explode from excitement at that moment. It was all good, until he started working in the cafe.

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