[52] Additional

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It was around after lunch when Ahjumma Lee came back unexpectedly. I'd asked her as to why she's here so soon when our parents had cleary told her to take a month rest. She still have a week and a half left to spend but surprisingly, she's back earlier than expected. She said, she's fine and she's not used to of staying too long without doing very productive, and since staying in our house calms her more than anywhere else, she had decided to go back earlier.

I was half glad and half disappointed somehow. Glad, because Ahjumma Lee knows everything around the house better than I do. Disappointed, because our lone time together was short-lived. Even though we always get to be with each others arms every night ─ when we get a chance. But being free around the house, acting like two newly wed couples running and exploring around ─ aside from our room, usually mine ─ parading our affection to each other at our hearts content, have been my wishful thinking, ever since we came home this morning. The only thing that's stopping us, was that he's sick.

I'm not treating Ahjumma Lee's early arrival so much as a disappointment. I'm actually really glad that she's finally back, she's been gone for quite a few days now. And I really did miss her company whenever I was bored.

I was sitting in the living room, attention was lost on the show that's been playing on the tv screen for a minute now. I flinched when I felt a sudden thightness surrounded my body. I looked at the sleeping figure snuggling closer into mine and I blushed at the sight. His one arm snaking around my waist pulling me closer into him, his head pressed on my tummy, as my hand automatically draped around his arm to his back, while the other landed on top of his head as I relaxed by the minute.

"He's a one clingy boy, is he?" I heard her say snapping me out of my reverie.

"Y-yeah," I uttered grinning, "but it's ok, I really don't mind," I added. Ahjumma Lee was placing Jongin's food on top of the coffee table since he hasn't taken anything yet since this morning. I was about to wake Jongin up when Ahjumma Lee's phone rung. She held her finger up indicating to excuse her for a moment, so I nodded.

When Ahjumma Lee was out of sight, I shifted my attention back at the sleeping figure and I giggled softly biting my lip. I prodded my finger on his cheeks on repeat to wake him up, but a frown followed after when he didn't respond to it.

"Jonginie~ you need to wake up soon, it's almost late in the afternoon, you haven't taken anything yet." I mumbled into his ears, and I felt him shuffle under the duvet. 

"I'm not yet hungry," I heard him muffled on my tummy and I hissed at him.

"You have to eat, even just a bit, because you have to take your medicine," I explained brushing his fringe away to the side, when a small part of his face came into view as he shifted his angle a bit.

"I don't need any medicine. I'm fine now," He said mumbling, eyes still shut close. A shiver run down my spine when I felt his hand went underneath the fabric, feeling the skin at my lower back, living me breathless and ticklish. 

"No, you need to take it, whether you like it or not, or else..." I noticed Jongin whipped his head even before I could finish my sentence, looking at me straight into the eyes. I was stunned momentarily.

"or else what?" he asked questionably, "you're not possibly going to say, 'no kissing', 'no touching', and 'no cuddling', were you?" he said groggily, and my eyes went wide. How can he be so sharp? lol just kidding. Well you can't blame me, since it's the only option I could think of, that could make him agree. I nodded eagerly and I saw him pout, turning his head again away from my eyes, as he tug the hem of my shirt pulling it up as he buried his face inside my tummy hiding his head underneath, and I gasped loudly.

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