[12] Kai's POV II

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"Can you tell me what's going on? and why do we have to follow her?" I asked Luhan who's busy scanning where you're going.

"Come on we have to hurry", Luhan said as we continued to secretly follow you. I really have no idea what's going on, if only this idiot would tell me.

"We're going to a cafe." he suddenly said, still not leaving his gaze on you.

"A cafe? and why?" I asked confused, he then finally shifted his gaze to look at me.

"Long story short. The guy Kyungie Hyunjae-ah was talking with on the phone is working there, and... well you'll understand when we get there." Luhan gave up explaining and continued to follow you.

That guy again. That's when it hit me hard, until then I fully understood what Luhan was trying to do. Sometimes I don't know if I'm a bit dense or something, but I'd rather have someone explain to me first what was going on, so I could understand better the situation.

"Damn it!" Luhan exclaimed.

"W-What?" I asked confused.

"I lost her! Come on let's hurry, before we missed anything." He then hurriedly made a run to our destination, me following him. Still a bit uncertain of what was I doing with this guy right now.

He then made a stop. I peeked on Luhan's face staring at something from a few meters away from where we were standing. I shifted my gaze to where he was looking and saw this certain cafe which looks really nice. If only I had known this place, I could have gone there for some time already.

"So this is the place?" I asked even though I am not expecting an answer from Luhan who's still staring seriously at it. When suddenly...

"There she is!" Luhan exclaimed as he grabbed me to hide with him. I looked at the person to whom he was pertaining to, just then we saw you entered the cafe.

"Come on" Luhan said as we move to another place, somewhere where we could get a better view of only God knows what. I don't get why we actually have to hide. I thought as soon as we arrived at the cafe, we'll be entering it making it look more like it's a coincidence being in the same place as you. But this thing we're doing is really creeping me out.

"And why are we hiding anyway?" I finally asked Luhan, still confused at what is his actual plan.

But to no avail, he answered far from what I was asking.

"Do you see that guy over there..." as Luhan tries to point at a guy whose head is hanging above the table just right at the corner of the cafe.

"That's where I see them made those intimate skinships." Luhan said exaggeratingly.

S-Skinship?? who is he pertaining to? Don't tell me... I said in my thoughts. Now I'm starting to feel more annoyed, first because of this idiot guy who is not telling me what actually happened yesterday and second, a guy, kisses and now skinship...??

"Maybe your just misunderstanding something" I said halfheartedly. Trying to be skeptic at every words Luhan was giving me. Just then...

"Kai, look!" Luhan exclaimed suddenly that made me looked at to where he was pointing at. A guy hugging you. I don't understand why, but it boils me inside seeing it right before my eyes. You being hugged by another guy, I seriously don't like it.

"See! See I told you~!" Luhan said annoyed, I can sense that he's feeling the same way to what was I feeling right now. I couldn't take it anymore, when suddenly my feet started to move its way to the cafe.

"Yah! where are you going?" Luhan asked as I left him behind from where we were hiding earlier.

"Where else? I'm going in there." I said as I continued my way to the cafe.

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