[04] A Friend

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"Hyunjae-ah," Your mom whispers trying to wake you up.

"Hmm..." Is what you only replied.

"Hyunjae-ah, wake up." She whispers again.

"W-what time is it?" You asked still half-asleep, before stretching your every limbs.

"It's already 9pm, you should go home now. You still have classes tomorrow, right? I'm fine now, you don't have to worry about me." She said while fixing your hair which got messed up while you're sleeping.

"But," You tried to protest.

"I told you I'm already fine. There's no need to worry. You can comeback after school if you really want to accompany me." She explains smiling at you.

"Ok, ok, I'll come back tomorrow after class." You said giving up not wanting to drag the arguement even more.


I wonder if she's home? I tried to peek inside again. I've been standing here for like hours but I haven't spotted even a single soul, okay shadow rather. I should have gone home the moment my first call got no response, but my stubborn attitude of wanting to finally get a chance to talk to her made me stay on that spot until someone opens the door for me. Looks like no one's really in. It's dark inside and no other lights were on. I hung my head low from disappointment and finally decided it's time to give it up, plus it's getting late.

"Uhm, Can I help you?"

I abruptly looked up to see who it was. There, infront of me you were standing, eyes a bit swollen. There must be something really bad happened. I tried to open my mouth to say something, but no words were coming out. S-say something you stupid! Mentally hitting my stupid mouth.

"Th-this!" I said a bit louder than I should have, making you startled as I stretched my arms out towards you. Great! Way to go stupid! Again mentally hitting myself shutting my eyes from embarrassment.

"Oh!" You finally said.

I looked up to you again and saw that you're trying to reach the thing I was handing over towards you.

"My bag!" You said in delight, "Thank you so much, Luhan-ssi," you added and that seriously made my heart skip a beat.

"Y-you know me?" I asked my mouth hanging open.

You laughed at my query and said, "Of course, I do! You're Luhan who had been my classmate ever since we started this school year," you snickered, "and ex-popular of the school." You added up making me blush in return.

"I shouldn't have asked." I said in embarrassment hanging my head low earning a light giggle from you. I feel like my heart is about to explode any minute now. I can't believe that you're actually aware of my existence. You actually know me! I was so lost in my own train of thoughts when your words broke my dreamy state.

"Hey! would you like to come in?" I was taken aback at your sudden invitation. 

Oh god! This is too much for me in one day. Is this really happening?

"It... is okay if you don't want-"

"I want to! I mean, I'd love to. No! I mean- Yes, please." I said in panic and defeat. The way you laughed at my response overwhelms me.

This is actually the first time I see you laugh, since everyday in school whenever I see you, you were most of the time silent and just... just there. As if like you're existing and not existing both at the same time. No words, no expression... nothing. Unless there's a school project or activity, but other than those, none.

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