[21] A friend?

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Peering through the window looking nothing in particular. Index finger bitten inbetween your teeth, elbow rested on top of your other arm. As your mind had drifted once again to who knows where. Thinking back what you and Jongin had talked about earlier in the library.

"Hey!" you flinched from the sudden clap of Jongin's hand waking you out of trance.

You turned to face him. "What?" you asked.

"Aah the class has ended?" Jongin asked like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Well not to someone who's spacing out a lot.

"Right!" you replied.

"You're coming home with us today, right?" Luhan asked with a pout.

"Yes I will." ruffling Luhan's hair. After shoving your things inside your bag and clicking the button, indicating you're good to go. The three of you stood up, when suddenly someone approached you.

Looking all fidgety she said, "Can I talk to you for a sec?", there's a hint of sadness within the tone of her voice, far from her character earlier today, where she would be all so giddy and talkative, still with slight elegance from her every move.

You looked at Jongin and Luhan. Trying to send a message mentally of what to do. Jongin only nodded, while Luhan gave you an assuring smile.

"Go! We'll wait for you here." Jongin said, grabbing you by the shoulder pushing you towards the said girl. "If anything happens, we're just here." Jongin whispered to your ear, loud enough for you to hear only before letting you go. You felt a bit confident after hearing it.

Hana grabbed you by the wrist and lead you just outside the classroom to talk.

Few minutes later you came back inside, with a slight smile plastered on your face.

"Sooo?" Luhan asked curious.

"I think she'll be a great friend don't you think?" you said back smiling pretending to be unsure.

"You guys are friends now?" Luhan asked again. You just nod in response.

"So where is she now?" gazing at the door to see if there's any sign of her new friend.

You shrugged, "Um, I don't know. Going home?" you said or more like questioned. Since you have no idea.

"Aren't you supposed to celebrate after finally being friends, or go home together at least?" Luhan said still a bit dubious about this whole making friend thingy.

You thought about it for a sec. "Maybe she doesn't know that too?" trying to be optimistic. You peered at Jongin who's being silent at your side.

Jongin just smiled at you and ruffled your hair then turned to Luhan,"Stop it now Hyung!" he hissed.

As soon as the three of you stepped out of the classroom. Jongin needed to pissed. So he told you and Luhan to wait for him by the gate. Which you obliged.

Jongin on his way to the toilet room heard someone talking as he passed on an empty room, he can't help but peek on it when he heard a familiar voice.

"I can't believe it took me three days before she said yes." the familiar voice said annoyed.

"Well what's your next plan?" the other girl said.

"Get close to Kai and Luhan oppa of course." the familiar voice said with a giggle.

Upon hearing his name being mentioned in the conversation. Automatically Jongin's body became dominant over him, slamming the door open to see the perpetrator, not much to his surprise, it was Hyunjae-ah's new declared friend.

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