[08] Brother

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"Welcome to Cafe Ella", the waiter said as you entered the cafe.   You walk straight to the table where you usually sit whenever you come in here. You're a regular costumer if you may say so.

"Look who has decided to show up?" asked by the guy who's now walking towards you.  

"Kyungie~...", you cried pretending to be a bit sympathetic.  

"Don't Kyungie me~ we don't know each other anymore!" he said as he gave you a glass of water.  

"Don't be like that Kyungie~! Well I'm here now am I?", you said as you tag on his arm, trying to be more pitiful.  

"Well explain why you didn't show yourself for a week already? I told you to visit me here everyday! You're so selfish..." he complained.   

Well you can't blame him, since we've known each other ever since I learned how to ride a bike. And we grew up almost like we're real brother and sister. Both of his parents abondoned him when he was still 6y/o, that's why he ended up staying with us. He is few years older than me. And due to some reason related to his business, he needed to stay for a year somewhere else. And it has already been 8months since he moved out temporarily, and his only favor for me is to see him everyday in the cafe just to feel at ease.  

I stood up and grab both of his hands, "things were a bit crazy for the past week, that's why I wasn't able to visit you~ I'm really sorry Kyungie...", was the only thing I was able to explain, since I don't want him to know what had happened to mom in his absence, because if he ever gets to know of the incident, he'll blame his self for not being able to take care of her. Take care of the woman who had took care of him ever since he was abandoned.  

"I was really worried you know~" he said.   I brought him into a hug, "You don't need to worry alright. Me and Mom won't ever leave you. We both love you! And I know you know that very well...right?", I said reminding him.  

"hehe I'm glad! And I love the both of you in return!", he said as he brought me into a hug.   

There it goes again, that smile. It makes me feel at ease whenever I see Kyungsoo's warm smile. If there's anyone who would dare to ruin that precious smile. I'll make sure he won't see the next sunrise ever again. Well, i won't kill him if you may ask, I'll just poke his eyes terribly so he won't be able to see anymore, I'm not a killer anyway.  

"So what would you like to have today?" he said excitedly. When I was about to say what to order, I accidentally tucked my hair behind my ear, did it out of habit. Suddenly I noticed his doe eyes grew big while looking at my cheeks, I gasped, the memory from earlier came back again.   

"Yah~ what happened?!" he asked while pointing at my cheek.   I tried to brought my hand to cover my swollen cheek, when he as fast as a bullet grab it before I was able to fully covered it.   

"Park Hyunjae! I said what happened!?" now he's back again from being angry.  

Now what should I do, I thought.  

I tried to take away his hand, which is grabbing my other hand tightly and grab a hold of it with both of my hands and placed it to my cheek where the red mark was.  

"Kyungie~ stop being angry. I hate it whenever I see you mad. I don't want your precious smile be overshadowed with hatred. So, don't worry about this one, ok?" I said while smiling at him. His mood once again changes from frowning to now a bit worried face. "Just with your presence and your touch I think I'm all healed." I told him, hoping it would work. Well, since this matter is nonsense to begin with, so letting Kyungsoo be involved in this situation is something I wouldn't want.  

"I hate you for being too strong-willed! Can you atleast sometimes be dependent on me?" he said still with worried eyes.  

"Well, we'll see about that...", i tried to joke a bit.  

"Aish~! I'm serious!" he said as he pinched slightly my damaged cheek.  

"Ow! yah! becareful it still stings you know." I said half annoyed.  

"That's what you get from being secretive!" he said as he stood up. "I'm going to get some ointment, that mark looks annoying and it boils me!".  

"Alright..." I laugh off. I'm just thankful that Kyungsoo doesn't persist me on telling him what really happened. Though I know deep inside he really wants to know.   

"Btw, aren't you supposed to be at school right now?" he shouted. Good thing there were just only a few customers.  

"Yah! shush down...", i said mouthing it to him.  

"What?" he asked confused, while walking back at me.  

"You don't have to shout it out." I said whispering at him.  

"And why is that?" he asked again.  

"What do you mean why? Well, I'm skipping class you know! and I don't want it to be noticed."  

"Right, Ms. Genius! Your uniform doesn't obviously gives out the idea", he scoffed.   

Astounded by my stupidity, I banged my head for a few times on the table.  

"I'm screwed. I shouldn't have come here, I should have gone home instead, rather than here. I knew it, coming here really was a bad idea." I jokely said while my head still on the table. When all of a sudden something poke my cheek. "Ow!"  

"Don't try to say that ever again." he said seriously as he started to apply the medicine on my cheek.  

"Hehe.. I'm just kidding~" I said smiling. Seeing that he isn't responding to it i tried again.  

"I love you Kyungie...", I said still smiling. I'm really stupid, I know those words were a taboo for him, but sometimes I still unconciously blurt-out stupid jokes around him, though I know that instead of laughing with it, he'll take it seriously instead.  

"Alright... I get you..." he said still concentrating on putting on the medicine.  

"I said I love you Kyungie...", still smiling at him.  

He paused for a second and stared at me, he sighed, "Just promise me that you won't say those kinds of things ever again." he said still serious.  

"I promise!" like I said, I wouldn't dare to ruin this person's smile.  

"Alright, I love you too...", he said and peck a light kiss on my cheek as a finishing touch. Well if you may ask, that's how he heals every wound I get ever since. So I got used to it now.  

While Hyunjae was so busy spending time with his adopted brother Kyungsoo, she was unaware that there was someone who had been watching her from a far, for the whole time.

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