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SURPRISE!!! \(^^)/

ㅋㅋㅋ Now you know I love you this much!

Have fun reading you guys~ <3


It was a sunny Tuesday, in spite of the Sun being high up in the sky, the cold morning breeze never fails to froze our body up from the chilly weather. We're suffering from a complete zero-degree temperature and I feel stupid for failing to remember to bring my gloves with me. My whole body is not cooperating very well with me since this morning, and I don't know why. Maybe it has something to do with the weather, or I'm just really tired.

It is Mr. Lee's class, my most "favorite" subject of all. Statistics. Gahd! this is crazy!

He keep rumbling and rumbling on something about probability and whatnot. But, nothing is seriously sinking in. God how I wish I could lay down on my beloved bed right now, under my comfy blanket and warm pillows. I keep sniffing and my head continued to throbbed. The side of my face laying flat on my desk facing the window, as my homeroom teacher keeps on talking gibberish as I unknowingly drifted off to sleep.

I blinked lazily my eyes hearing the bell rang indicating it's lunch break. Without lifting my head up, I peered at my watch. I slept for the whole period? Somehow I felt relieved that my homeroom teacher didn't even noticed me. I backed my head slowly feeling that I got a muscle cramp from the last position I had. I pressed the palm of my hands on both sides of my head, feeling all tingly and weak. This weather is seriously killing me, I internally groaned.

I seriously had no strength to move. As well as an appetite to eat any. But, I still stood up thinking of skipping class for the next few periods, with an excuse of feeling sick─even though I'm not─and just lay comfortably at the clinic. At least there I could lie down comfortably.

On my way there, I received a text message. And I literally hit my head for almost slipping out on my mind about him.

From: Hyunjae'sJongin <3

Hi baby!
Where are you?
I miss you~ ;)

I chuckled at the last part shaking my head from defeat. We just saw each other this morning, what nonsense? I replied mentally. I toggle my phone for a moment before heading straight to where I was planning to go to in the first place, with a light throbbing of the head.

From: Jongin'sHyunjae <3

I won't eat lunch today.
You guys go on without me.
I need to work on something.
See you later ;)

What I miss you? we just saw each
other in less than four hours ago.
You're ridiculous. :P

|Author's POV|

Jongin frowned from the message and pushed his phone in front of Luhan who had just taken his seat from getting his food.

"Hyung! What work is she talking about?" Jongin howled eyebrows furrowed.

"What? Work? What work?" Luhan blinked in confusion.

"This!" waving his phone in front of Luhan. The older guy peered at the phone which was being shoved almost centemeters away from his nose now. He took and read it.

"Are you showing off? Just because the both of you are finally official that doesn't mean you have to..." but the older guy was cutted off from ranting when Jongin hissed at him.

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