[55] Will You? Part Two

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From the moment Jongin heard your words of invitation, he felt like strangling himself for not being the one who initiated it, far more, asked for it. You on the other hand felt dejected when you didn’t hear any response from the said guy. Somehow disappointed, you cowered slightly against his chest and tried to ignore somehow or another how embarrassed you were for shamelessly asking him such ridiculous thing. All hopes you had built up before you had asked it, is now slowly fading in oblivion. You almost want to hit yourself for being too impulsive at times, being carried away by the intense height of emotion. But what can you do? You just love the guy. And is it too much to ask something for a change?

“No…” You stiffened when you heard Jongin said the word, sighing. True. You want at least a response, but the word you’re expecting wasn’t the word ‘no’ but rather the opposite one. So, why do you feel offended? You asked. He answered. Now, what do you expect?

Jongin chuckled when he heard a small sniffling sound resounded on his chest and almost felt terribly guilty when you suddenly loosened up your grip on his waist. After noticing it, he pulled your arms back, as he wrapped his arms around yours hugging you tighter, closer. You don’t have the energy to fight back even though your feelings are wrapped up with disappointment and rejection. You tried to cover your negative feelings with the lingering touch of Jongin around your body and just submit to it desperately.

I can’t even get mad at him for too long… You whined internally, crying your eyes out.

“Do you know why I said ‘No'?" Jongin murmured on top of your head as he placed chaste kisses from time to time.

“I don’t know…because you don’t like me? and my boring ideas? I’m average? But not ugly just average… and –mpfh” You heartbrokenly and groggily gibbered but was cut off when Jongin pulled your chin up to meet your lips with his, pressing his tongue deeper into your mouth, making your insides turn upside down. Your tears won’t stop flowing, from having mixed feelings now. “You’re so unfair you know that? And I hate you for it.” You uttered still in a crying mess, not caring how you look ridiculously bad at all to him.

Jongin just snickered at you before placing another quick peck on your lips, “I beg to disagree with your answers,” He mumbled almost whispering but enough to understand whatever he’s saying, and you had finally stopped crying but still sniffing, “First of all, the reason why I said ‘No’ is not because I don’t like you, nor you! having boring ideas, which is true sometimes,” Jongin earned a light hit on his arm from you before saying he’s just joking, as he continued, “nor you’re average, which is totally not true, because for me you’re nothing but average and ugly, in fact you’re the most prettiest person I’ve ever met, both inside and out, you know that.” He said as he nuzzled his nose against yours and you just closed your eyes, now smile is finding its way to your lips, slightly pouting for being touched by the words of the tanned guy. Jongin traces the side of your face towards your lips, before pressing it on both sides, making your lips puckered upward. “Even if your lips looked funny like this, I can still kiss you endlessly…” He said giggling before nibbling your lips in between his own soft ones, and you chuckled in between your kisses.

“Then why?” You said after pulling away for a good minute of kissing as you stared at Jongin longingly, not wanting to break away the eye contact.

“Because…” He said jutting a bit his lower lip, hesitant for a second before he mumbled some incoherent words, in spite of the close proximity you still missed to catch up what he just said making you asked him to repeat what he just said. Confusion deeply engraved on your face.

“Because, I want to ask you that myself, don’t you think it’s wrong for the girl to ask his boyfriend for a date when it should obviously be the other way around?” He said dejectedly. You pressed your lips together to prevent yourself from giggling, but it’s too late when a light chuckle escaped from your lips before closing it again. Jongin saw how your expression changes from smiling to frowning, before you hovered on top of him, sat up and hauled one pillow on top of Jongin’s head. Jongin was a bit distracted about the fact that you’re sitting nonchalantly on top of his “Holy Shaft”, totally not noticing what you’re about to do, snapping him out of his reverie when something hit his face, not too hard but enough to make someone wake up from his fantasy.

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