[64] Final

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Tomorrow is finally the big day. As much as you wanted to get all excited since you're finally graduating, you can't bring yourself to cheer up for a certain reason. It's been almost a month and a half since Jongin had been gone, and the said guy hasn't returned, when he is supposed to had come back a week after his departure.

It's not that the guy was hiding or anything. Jongin has been spending his time communicating with you since day-one of his departure til now, informing you to his every scheds and whatnot. Things didn't work out as easy as they thought it would be. So many things needed to be fixed, now that the Choi family had removed their support to the Kim's company, after the incident that happened towards their children.

"I miss you..." Jongin muttered pouting, making yu giggle in front of the screen. You're talking to Jongin through skype and it's the only thing that makes you both sane from the distance. Jongin would usually call you at least three times a day, despite having eleven hours difference. And right now, it's past nine in the evening while the day already had started to where Jongin was currently at.

"Why does your flight had to be the day after tomorrow? you won't get on time for graduation then." You muttered in disappointment.

"I know. I'm sorry." Jongin sighed pressing his face in between his hands.

"No baby, don't be. It's those Choi's fault for taking your precious time to delay everything to process. Maybe they are crying their butts out now for pushing it too far as to withdraw their support from you guys, when they thought you'd go after their tails and beg. Such bastards..." You curse under your breath.

"Language, Jae. As much as I wanted to hear you curse, I still don't want you saying such worthless remarks with worthless people. You can do that when the time comes I get my hands on you again." Jongin scolded before smirking mischievously with his last statement, making your face feel hot for a moment.

"Ugh, Seriously!?" You scoffed rolling your eyes, earning a chuckle from the tanned guy. "Which reminds me. Since, you won't be attending graduation day tomorrow, then I'll have to postpone my graduation gift for you. But, such a waste though..." You pouted sadly.

"What gift?" Jongin asked leaning his head towards the camera, too eager to hear what gift you were talking about.

"Something you'd love! I think? Although, we've done this already before. But, I'd love to do it again with you." You exclaimed, suddenly becoming nervous and shy muttering the rest of your sentence making Jongin half excited and half curious for some reason. Something I'd love... He contemplated eyes blinking against the screen. Something we had done before, and she'd love to do again with me... Jongin continued to contemplate internally, when he tried to think of what was that thing you're talking about. When something crossed his mind. Could it be? His eyes widened from the realization.

Just the thought of it, makes Jongin's inside turn upside down from excitement. Just because of that sentence, makes Jongin wanted to flip all the things that can be flipped for making his 'coming back home to you' took longer than expected. The thought of you being straddled by him, as he ravish every part of you, and slam his body against yours, makes the heat travel southwards unknowingly. It's not like Jongin hasn't been using his imagination due to your absence to sustain his needs. He's been doing those a lot for a month now. But, hearing you say those words, although indirectly, makes his imagination run wild without restrictions.

"A-Are you sayin─" Jongin was about to confirm his guess, when he heard someone knock on your door.

"Oh, Hi Baek!" You greeted making Jongin's eyebrows furrowed in between.

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