[39] One More Thing

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It took a moment to register what was happening when suddenly a girl jumped herself towards Jongin and you somehow grimaced at the sight, your eyes never leaving the two. Jongin was in the middle of untangling her arms around him, while the girl kept on peppering Jongin kisses on his─lips supposedly, but the tanned guy kept on backing away his head as much as possible to avoid his lips being attacked, so it ended up placing it on his cheeks only. 

"Hi Jonginie~ did you miss me?" the girl almost having the same height as Jongin said as she cling on the latter tightly─perfect sample of beauty but bad sample of decency, that's what you thought. Too much make-up painted on her face, wearing clothes which is too short and too fitted to be considered as a proper attire for decency, accessories taking up most part of her body, too many signatured brands hanging on her. Huh! Spoiled brat, you spatted inwardly.

"Y-Yura... what are you doing here?" Jongin asked although he already knows sooner or later she'll pop-out out of nowhere, but what he didn't expect is that 'it' to be so soon, and arrive at the house he's living in together with Hyunjae─for a moment Jongin ignored the fact that they're not the only ones who's living in it, because for Jongin it's his and yours only.

"To see you... duh~" she said rolling her eyes while trying her hardest to press her body into Jongin, but the latter held her waist in safe distance.

"Woah~ this house is pretty decent!" Luhan exclaimed ignoring the fact that there are two person in front of them. He nudged you to get your attention and you broke out from your trance.

"I- I know right." you said uncomfortably, shifting your gaze everywhere but to the two person entangled in front of you. "Come I'll show you around." You said to Luhan and started to walk away from the entrance door. But you halted from your step next, after you heard her said something you can't help but turn around and draw a mocking smile on your face.

"What did you say?" you said dead serious.

"You heard me, I asked who are you? are you their maid?" 

Your eyebrows twitched, eyes still fixated at her, disregarding the other guys gawking at the two of you. That's when you whipped your head towards Kris.

"Oppa... you don't mind me touring my friend Luhan right? He wants to see the whole house. If that's ok?" you asked totally brushing off the presence of the spoiled brat, as well as her ridiculous question.

"O-oh su-sure, of course you can," Kris said in a more excited voice, as if saying I'd rather had a  conversation with you than to that girl, after getting back from his senses he tread towards you enveloping you in a warm tight hug, "you can do anything you want, no need to ask me," he said smiling back at you, "welcome back home lil sis..." he added ruffling your hair, you smiled back to him without turning around to the girl, since you don't want to see once again how she openly clings on your boyfriend. And truthfully you can't do anything about it.

"Come one Lulu..." you said tagging Luhan in his arms as you went towards the kitchen first. You heard someone called out your name, but you choose to ignore it.

"She's your sister?" the spoiled-brat asked sarcastically.

"What if she is?" Kris replied in annoyance.

"She doesn't look like it. You look cool she looks average." she said straight forwardly, earning a glare from the guy.

"Really? she looks damn awesome to me though, as well as to everyone she knows." he managed to reply, even though he's feeling a bit annoyed. 

"I hope you're not letting that affect you too much." Luhan said worriedly.

"W- what? No! No definitely not," you said too eagerly. Althoug the truth is as much as you want to ignore what had had just happened, you can't help but feel a  bit jealous.

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