[40] Show off!

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Since I'm feeling really great right now.

Here's a bonus FLUFFY update for you guys!

Have fun reading and don't forget to comment if you want!


After the conversation you had post dinner. Both of your parents went upstairs already to take an early rest, it seems both of them were dead tired from work although it's hardly eight in the evening─else if they are doing anything other than that, that's a whole different story. Luhan was still there keeping you company while you work on some snacks for the five of you. While Jongin was being trapped by the other two in the living room, probably because of his declaration a while ago. He's being bombarded with questions most especially from Kris.

"So how does it feel?" Luhan asked grabbing some slices shoving it into his mouth.

"W-what?" you said a pink tint becoming evident on your cheeks, as you continued to work on the apple. Glancing onto Luhan for a moment but turning your attention back to the thing in front of you.

Of course you're still yet being embarrassed, it's not like you can act all so naturally right now after the declaration of your lovelife in front of your parents was that easy to cope with. And to top it off, you're living in the same place. How awkward was that? Now you're thinking how would you act naturally starting today, now that everyone is well aware. Of course you're happy as fucked alright. But somehow, it made you feel all self conscious for some unknown reason.

"I asked, how does it feel now that you and Jongin are finally an official couple." he repeated now almost stating it.

"Good..." you mumbled, albeit the fact that Luhan heard your answer but the deer isn't satisfied.

"That's it?" he asked a bit perplexed.

"Yeah...I mean no! It's just..." you said hesitatingly as you had stopped from doing anything in the process as you got lost on your train of thoughts.

"Oh for Christ sake just say you liked it and you're very happy with it, there's nothing wrong with that!" Luhan exclaimed from exasperation. And you looked at him a bit dumbfounded. That's right! Why am I being  so stupid?

"Alright, I'm sorry," you said sighing, "I was just feeling really embarrassed. You know... I like him- No! I love him! so much that sometimes I just want to cling onto him every time I see him but I can't since I don't think it's appropriate to do that inside the house, most specially it's not ours in the first place. But he's just so lovely and awesome that the moment he did something whatever that is, my heart almost stopped and beat loudly by the next second. I liked how he boldly stated it without stuttering even. You see he's just that amazing although childish sometimes. But yeah~ I love him..." you openly declared not living your gaze on the island, you blushed furiously right after, feeling all the heat crept up on your face, freeing your hands as you buried your face in your arms. 

You heard Luhan chuckled but you didn't dare to look at him, until he muttered, "Your message was well received... now I'll take my leave and join the others, have fun!" he said walking away, and you jolted back soon after you brought down your arms, noticing someone was already standing right beside you.

"J- Jongin?" you said stuttering, "since when...?" but he already cutted your words when he leaned in smacking your lips into his. The kiss was somehow needy yet full of feelings. He stepped forward and you stepped back, noticing that there's no escape anymore since you're back was already touching the ktichen island. You managed to grab the hem of Jongin's shirt in spite of feeling all weak from his touches. You flinched when you felt him pressed his lower body into yours, that's when you pulled back, as you both gasped for some air.

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