[15] Can I hug you?

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You usually don't come late when it comes to your brother's matter, well there were times when you'd be late like 15mins or so, but not getting too late  taking longer than an hour to arrive. Because less than four hours already had passed and you're still out of sight. And the thing that made them really more worried was that you're not picking up your phone.

"Has she contacted you yet?" Kai asked Kyungsoo. Who's now so stressed dealing with the customers and what's been happening.

He checked his phone again. "Not yet!" he answered, Kai can tell that he's so worried from the tone of his voice.

"Kyungsoo hyung, I know we're too busy right now in here. But, give me a minute, just a minute to check on her."

Without further ado, Kyungsoo agreed.

"Yes please Kai-ssi! Please go!"

Well if there's anyone else who's more worried for you other than Kai, that would be Kyungsoo. The only thing that's stopping him from going is the cafe.

I know I asked for more customers, but why does it have to be today? I'm sorry Hyunjae-ah, Kyungsoo thought as he sighed.



"Guess who's this?"

I know that voice.
I've heard it somewhere before.
It gives off a very nostalgic feeling. Why am I hearing it?
Where am I?

I tried to open my eyes as wide as saucers but my sight is blurried. I tried to squint my eyes for a few times, but it's still the same.

"Honey you've grown up so well." the voice said again. Tears started to fall one by one as I get to familiarize it.

"D-dad?" I muttered inbetween deep breathes when suddenly i felt cold breeze pass through me.

"Dad!" I half shouted. "P-Please! Please don't go dad!" I tried to shout. But even though I felt like I was already shouting as hard as I can, no voice were coming out.

My feet is starting to get numb. I can't move. "W-where are you?" I said mumbling as I choked in my own tears.

"I'm here Hyunjae-ah" the distant voice said.

"Hey! Hey! Hyunjae-ah! Wake up." he tried to lightly slap you. "Oh god! You've got a fever." You slightly woke up and tried to familiarize the person who's infront of you.

"J-Jongin?" you managed to say with half lidded eyes since you're still a bit out of it.

"I need to bring you to the hospital!" he said. As he carried you princess like.

"H-h-hospital? N-no. Please no." you said weakly."N-not there. M-mom." just then you passed out.

Since you had objected to be brought in the Hospital for whatever reason Kai doesn't understand.  He had decided to contact Kyungsoo and ask for your home address. Kai explained everything. Kyungsoo asked Kai to keep an eye on you first until the cafe closes.


Kai managed to bring you home safely. He laid you flat on your bed, tucking you under your blanket as he seated right next to you, but you are still shivering nonstop.

Kai has no any idea on how to take care of someone who's sick. All he knows is when someone's freezing, you have to hug each other. Body heat.

But Kai is different. He isn't an opportunist, though he likes the idea and he really likes you, he doesn't want to cross over the line.

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