[18] Dad please save me

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The moment I realized that I had finally found her comes the moment when every hopes and dreams of mine shuttered to pieces. Who am I to ruin someone else happiness when I myself can't even love myself back. When my dad announced that she loves Hyunjae's mom, that's the moment I knew my love story ends. And who am I kidding anyway? I'm not even sure if this is really love or just pure infatuation I'm feeling. I only met her once, well twice if you include the moment I first saw her.

A month had passed. Almost everyday, Dad would often to visit Mrs. Park's house after being sent home from the hospital. I knew by then that this is really a serious matter.

Until earlier today Dad had announced something that isn't too much of a surprise to me by now, as I already knew this day would come.

"I'm getting remarried." he coughed clearing his throat looking down on his bowl playing with the spoon. I sensed nervousness surrounds him. Not hearing any response from me, he looked up. "I'm getting remarried" he repeated with a more firm voice.

That's much better, I thought. I'd rather dad to look at me straight in the eyes, saying this man to man, than him feeling guilty that I might feel offended for replacing my mother to another. But I don't feel anything like that at all. "I'm happy for you" I finally said giving him the warmest smile I could offer.

"Thank you son." my dad said. Bits of tears starting to form.

"Oh god. Man up dad!" I chuckled. But it was too late as tears already started to fall. He stood up after wiping his tears away walking towards me. I stood up and he gave me a big hug.

"You had your mother's kindness. Thank you." he sobbed on my chest since I'm taller than him. "And height." he joked.

I can't help but laughed, "Congratulations dad!" and he patted my back. He went back to his seat to continue our breakfast still sniffing after getting all teary earlier. "Have some time on Saturday. We're going to have a dinner with them" he added up.

"Really? ...O-ok" I replied. That means we're gonna see each other again. I smiled unconciously. After the conversation we had the last time infront of the hospital, we never saw each other again after that.

Well I have nothing to loose even if they do get married. At least I could get even more closer to her. If I can't be her lover, then I could be a very loving older brother instead. She can't be older than me right? I thought. Naah~ I don't think so. I shrugged continuing to spoon my cereal.


Since the day I had mentioned to the two about Kris, they won't stop bothering me with it,  wanting to hear more about him. I already told them for the nth time that we only met once and that's it. Which is the truth.

And for some unknown reason, I don't even know when it even started. But the two are becoming a bit too open with their feelings for me. It's not like I'm boasting or anything, but I myself find it hard to believe it. I know I had doubts about it before, but the way these two would always bicker to one another I can't help but feel flustered.

I really wish they'll accidentally bump their heads somewhere. Maybe that could help them clear their mind. Because I really don't want to have this kind of confusing feelings any longer.

I kept on staring at the two idiots infront of me, who are now in the middle of another bickering moments on who would get to send me home. When my eyes landed on an empty plastic bottle placed infront of Luhan. I looked at it, then to the two, then back to the bottle. I'm having this stupid idea that I know I'll regret later on, Or not.

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