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 [Kai's POV]

I woke up the next morning without her by my side. Although it would have been nice if I'd seen her face at least first things first in the morning and shower her with morning kisses as I open my eyes, unfortunately she's already gone. But in spite that, my lips still find ways to drew upwards as I recollect last night's event. If anyone could see me right now, will definitely utter how 'crazy' I look as I find myself giggling to myself.

"You've lost it." Okay maybe I was wrong, but the sense is still close to it.

I whipped my head towards the door and saw Kris standing there, leaning by the door frame.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked unamused by his presence.

"Long enough to witness how stupid you look laughing to yourself." he retorted nonchalantly. This cold guy.

I snarled, "Whatever," as I finally decided to get up and start the day, "what do you want?" I added as I stretched my arms.

"To be a superman." Kris deadpanned.

"Yeah right." I turned around and make my way to my personal bathroom before I heard Kris uttered the words, "Dad wants to have a word with you, hurry up and come downstairs." I stopped on my tracks and contemplate what could that be.

When I settled to sit at the dining table, the next thing I heard was the least thing I would want to hear, especially with Hyunjae's presence.

"So have you talked with your parents?"  Uncle Wu said in majestic seriousness.

"A-About what uncle?" I asked befaddled.

"Silly boy. Your parents told me they won't be able to visit you this week. Business matters. I hope you're not missing them too much yet." he explained grinning.

Somehow I felt relieved knowing that's the only matter, but then I was mistaken when he added, "Oh and they said expect someone this week, it's a surprise guest they said... and also they added, soemthing about bitter and sweet or something like that... I wonder what does it mean..." he added mumbling the latter part as he turned to face Aunt Park at her side and started acting like lovers in their twenties.

"It could be a girl," Kris uttered out of nowhere, earning a glare from me. I shifted my gaze on my right to see her reaction, but it made my heart dropped the next second to see her looking unfazed about it. She doesn't look much affected. I was still staring at her and caught her eyes when she abruptly looked up towards me, but looked down again the next as she continued to play with her food. A slight tint of blush became visible and that made my heart jumped from happiness. So she's affected? and I smirked unknowingly. I snapped out of my reverie, when Kyungsoo blocked my view smirking back at me. "Out of your reverie lover boy, and eat!" he commanded sternly, just enough for both of us to hear. And I groaned mentally.

I was back in my room as I recall what Uncle Wu had said during breakfast. Then I remembered the text message I got yesterday night. I scrumbled towards my night stand to get my phone and check once again the message. As soon as I opened the message I gasped. Don't tell me.

From: SpoiledBrat

Happy Birthday Jonginie~
Do you miss me?
Won't be for long. ;)

I know! I miss you too. <3

That's when I recall the words Uncle Wu mentioned earlier about something 'bitter' and 'sweet'. 

"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet."

Is what my mom used to always say to me whenever I had to deal with this person, that is if you could call her a person. No! Please no! this can't be... Mom, Dad why?

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