[45] What actually happened...

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"No stupid, sunkissed is definitely better than passionate red... you better see it for yourself!" Minji uttered rolling her eyes as she debate with her two other friends about which color of blush-on are much better to wear. When a low growl of insulting remarks were heard behind their backs. It startled the girls momentarily thinking why they didn't even felt the presence of the girl walked in inside the toilet room, when they are actually facing the mirrors.

"How about get-the-fuck-out-of-my-way?" the girl venomously stated.

The way she said it made the three girls cringe in fear, as well as agitate their nerves deep, deep down.

"What did you just say?" Minji retorted sternly but with a slight fear present in the tone of her voice.

"Do I have to say it in english for you to understand what I said, although I doubt that's the case, or maybe you're just a natural deaf?" she retorted which made one of Minji's eyes twitched in fear.

As much as she doesn't want to get on her nerves, but the mere thought, that this girl who's acting all too angelic in front of so many people could act this rude to them, made her want to spit on her face.

She's very much aware that not too long ago, they're just in the same position as her, but the fact that it's happening to them now, makes her feel somehow irritated. Of course the feeling is nowhere near from being pleasant. And somehow, after what happened between her and you. It made her realize a bit, although the bullying is still clinging onto her as if it's the most natural.

"What? Got a prob with that?" the girl said which made Minji's inside boil from agitation.

"Choi Yura..." and Minji scoffed earning a glare from the girl.

The gesture made the girl snapped a bit not liking the way her name was spoken by Minji bringing her hands in mid-air planning to hit the girl but she stopped mid-way, seeing how Minji flinched from terror. The two other girls hiding at her back, squinting their eyes closed not even bothering to help their friend, as if they're just waiting for the sound of pain indicating that she had received the hit. But there's none. When they slowly opened their eyes, they saw an amused sneering of Yura's face peering at them. Hand's still caught in mid-air. Minji's head hanging low, her eyes closed tight.

Yura scoffed, "How pathetic... you're just a bunch of cowards," she said crossing her arms in front of her chest. Minji was at her limit, not liking a bit of what was happening. Yura went closer into her as she whispered in her ear before backing away smirking, "You have no right to spoke my full name without my permission bitch, you don't even know me."

Bitch was the cue.

Minji totally snapped out as she uttered the words she thought she'll never had a chance to spit out. "Who do you think is more coward here? You think Kai oppa likes you? I don't think so... It's so obvious Kai oppa's not totally head-over-heels for you unlike the way she looked at Park Hyunjae. Although at first we don't like her for Kai oppa, but I'd rather her to be with him more than you. Declaring yourself as his fiance when it's so obvious that it's not going to happen sooner or later is more pathetic than cowering from fear when someone tries to hit you." Minji managed to utter not breaking her gaze away from Yura. The latter's mouth fell wide open, probably from stating what's totally obvious. 

It's just, no one dares to ruin a spoiled princess' dream.

After a few seconds, Minji unconditionally balled her hands into fist when she saw how Yura's dumbfounded expression changes to a sarcastic smile.

"You want me to prove to you how Kai oppa likes me more than that average bitch? Then watch!" Yura half shouted. Minji's eyes widen from shock not totally expecting the next thing that happened. Her eyes were wide open not liking where this is all heading to. Gripping her skirt tightly from furiousity as to how far this girl would go to do this to herself just to get someone's attention, which probably she'll never get in the end. This bitch is a fucking retard, she internally groaned from infuriation.

Yura torn her blouse apart, tugging it sideways, some few buttons flying in every corner, slightly revealing her underwear. She tug her hair pulling it violently making her hair looked as if she was being beaten and bullied madly. The very scene makes Minji want to puke.

This is ridiculous.

Not wanting to be caught on this stupid situation with her─to whatever she's planning to do. Minji turned her heels followed by the two other girls from behind who're still peering at the crazy girl, as if wanting to see what else she'd do to herself.

She tightened her grip on her skirt, not liking the way that Yura girl acted. Is she in her right mind? is what she thought. I can't let anyone come near to Kai oppa as crazy as that bitch. 

Few minutes had passed and the next thing they know, they're back in the toilet room. A crowd of students hanging around, as if something amusing was on show─which is true, it's just, they can't see her because she's inside of one of the cubicles─delivering her act well. Soon after, Kai entered the girl's toilet room without even thinking twice, with Luhan in tow. When they managed to let Yura come out of the cubicle, Minji felt disgusted all over, seeing how good she was in making herself look totally pathetic. When Kai and Yura walk passed by her, she saw how Yura smirked at her mockingly, as if saying 'is this what you mean he doesn't like me?', as she tug her arms around Kai's neck tightly. She didn't missed  it when she caught how Kai stared back at her. If this was a different situation, she could have screamed her lungs out, wailing to her friends how her and Kai's eyes met with an intense gaze. But, unfortunately it's not how it looks like. Kai's eyebrows were furrowed in the middle as if saying, 'Did you have something to do with this?" And it's enough to grew another few inch tall of fear stock above her growing panic.

Minji knew very well how she'd wronged you before. That's why she'd stopped when he saw how serious Kai is to your relationship. And as much as they want their 'oppa' to be everyone's property ─ which sound so wrong in any way. Now they only wish is, if it's what their 'oppa' makes him happy, they'll be happy as well. Even if it breaks their heart, knowing they'll never get the chance to be with him, not now, not ever. But, seeing Yura's hidden personality, made her cringe even more. 

Kai doesn't deserve her.

And Yura is obviously just a torn between two lovers, that's what Minji had concluded.



[A/N] Do you guys still remember Minji? Who would have thought that she would make a comeback, but with a different character now? haha

Yura is a one crazy bitch is she? >_< Better make your character get well soon, so you could take an action to what was happening now. 

Kai totally needs your help, dealing with these two. ^^

Hope you enjoyed reading this short update. :)

See you on the next one!


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