[33] Finally Complete

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“Oh my God!” Is this for real? After a year, I wanna cry, can I cry?, I cried in my thoughts as I hugged the man standing by the doorway. There stood Kyungsoo, with his luggage at his side, and for me this only means one thing. I screamed mentally.

“I can’t breathe Jae!” he squeaked and we giggled.

“Kyungie oppa! Does this really mean?” I asked in the verge of tearing up, but I held it in.

He nodded eagerly and said, “I actually turned down the offer first. But after hearing from Luhan that Jongin is living here as well, it made me think twice” I wanna laugh so hard after hearing it, but either way it made my muscles tensed up after hearing Jongin’s name. I felt my cheeks warmed up. Thinking of the possible consequences of Kyungsoo oppa living in now with us. I guess it’s really a good thing that he’s here now─that would keep my raging hormones off of Jongin somehow.

“Uuh… I think we need to go in now, they are waiting.” I said trying to change the subject. Beaming me his heart-shaped-smile that I'll never get tired of.

As soon as we approached the dining area, everyone was staring back at us. I can’t help but smile (stupidly), too overwhelmed with the surprise. It’s really been almost a year, that I haven’t get to hang out properly with Kyungsoo, and since the problem with the café has long been settled already─courtesy of Jongin and Luhan─from a while back. It tripled the feeling I was feeling then, I suddenly felt like hugging someone and turned to face Jongin, and the smile on my lips slowly faded after seeing Jongin; eyebrows furrowed, lips slightly pouted and I can sense, someone’s being jealous right now.

"Welcome..." abeonim greeted as we approached the dining area. My mom stood up from his seat to hug Kyungsoo oppa and I smiled, I felt tears were welling up. But I don't want to ruin the atmosphere so I held it in. I blinked my eyes for few times and gasped when I felt Jongin's hand made it's way to mine as I was standing closer to him. Good thing everyone's attention were focused to my mom and Kyungsoo oppa's little reunion. As soon as Kyungsoo let goes of the embrace I pulled my hands away from Jongin's, and smiled back to Kyungsoo oppa who was now smiling back at me ruffling my hair.

"Come on Kyungie dear, take a seat. You too Hyunjae-ah, so we could start. Food is getting colder." everyone nodded and we settled back to our own chair, Kyungsoo in-between me and Jongin. We started devouring the food my mom wholeheartedly prepared for the family's first dinner at home. And it's the best food I had ever tasted in a while.

I was actually a bit surprised as to how Kris oppa and Kyungsoo were getting along so well. Same goes to Jongin, except for the fact that he kept trying to get a lone time with me, but always held back by Kyungsoo. I can't help but chuckled mentally at the three as they laid theirselves in the couch, with the tv in front to entertain them. I went back to the kitchen to see my mom, preparing some desserts.

"Need any help?" I said as I tread my way to the counter. 

She nodded and smiled warmly before me,"yes please..."

But before I begun, I poured myself a glass of water as I felt a bit thirsty for some reason.

"So, how's you and Jongin..." my mom started off in which I regret the next thing that happened. A loud crashing sound engulfed the whole kitchen when I accidentally dropped off the glass I was holding. "Oh God I'm so sorry..." I panicked and did the most stupid thing I could do at the moment─picking the broken glasses bare-handed. The nervousness didn't even help a bit when I picked some pieces─my nerves were out of control─cutting myself in the process.

There was blood.

I am not really a fan of blood and that made me stupefied. But what startled me most was not the blood itself, but when someone grab a hold of my hand and shamelessly sucked my fingers. Yup! he sucked my fingers─two of my fingers actually─in front of my mother. Oh Shit! And I hastily pulled my hands away and turned to look at my mother.

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