[13] Notice me

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"Thanks again for coming," Kyungsoo greeted as the three of you entered the cafe.  

"Of course I will, though the two doesn't really need to." you coldly stated.  

Well, it has been three days already since you, Kai and Luhan had been helping Kyungsoo's cafe to grew statistically its customers. But most of the credits goes to Jongin who had been so popular since D-1. If it wasn't for the good looks of these guys, everything would have had stayed as it is.   

It has been the usual, for some reason you don't understand but you felt that there's something happening between these guys. For instances, there was a time on the very first day that Kai and Kyungsoo were like competing who would get the most customers. And there's this staring competition as well - I don't know if you can call it stare, cause it was more like a glare, and an intent one if you may add up. The from-time-to-time Luhan kept following you like a puppy. Kai staring at you whenever you passed by with each other. Kyungsoo being the sweet brother(adopted) he is, who kept hugging and tickling you to cheer you up.Even if it's only the third day, you can't help but be thankful that the result was favorable.

Even though you've been having a hard time shrugging off from your mind that you're totally useless, that they would actually pull it off just fine even if you're not there. But if it's the only way to save your brother's (well adopted) cafe. You have nothing against it anymore.  

You dropped your head on top of the counter, as you sigh.

"What's wrong?" Kyungsoo asked approaching you. You looked up without removing your head on top of the counter. Your hair slipped on your face blocking your sight to Kyungsoo who's now standing infront of you. Kyungsoo traced your forehead as he pushed your hair away to reveal your gloomy face and gently tucked it behind your ears. You responded with a smile. 

"Stop thinking you're useless." Kyungsoo said. 

"What? But I didn't say anything yet..." you jolted back. 

"But you were thinking about it..." he sternly replied. You just let out a big sigh and again dropped your head on the counter.  

"Hyunjae-ah... cheer up. You see you already had helped me so much. If it wasn't for these friends of yours. I wouldn't have met them and even get a help from them. And because those two are head over heels for you, I can..." Kyungsoo said as a matter-of-factly but then was cut-off.  

"They are what?" you asked confused, maybe you're just mishearing things.  

"You know "Head-over-Heels" ...like those people who would do anything for the person they like even if it means unnghh..." Kyungsoo explained but again was cut-off.  

"Alright~ alright...stop! I know what head-over-heels mean Kyungie..." you said shoving your index finger on Kyungsoo's plump lips. "It's just, I don't buy it..." you said as you shifted your gaze to the two who's busy serving the customers. "Luhan is just a friend while Jongin is...he's... he's just a classmate. And seriously it's impossible for the both of them to like me~!" you laughed at your last sentence.  

"I didn't know that your ignorance is far more worst than I had imagined. I pity those two and myself..." Kyungsoo said mumbling the latter part as he leaned closer to you. "Do you want me to prove to you?" your eyes grew big confused as to what Kyungsoo was planning.   

"P-prove what!?" you said but then...  

"Aiiiggoooo yah~ Hyunjae you're so cute..!!" Kyungsoo shrieked loudly, enough for everyone to hear. Locking me between his arms hugging me tightly as if there is no tomorrow.   

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