[05] Rivalry

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"Shoot! I don't feel like going to school." You murmur to yourself, stretching your limbs and body as soon as you wake up. Unfortunately, you had no choice since you don't want to put your mom's hard effort into waste, paying your school fees and such. Well, quitting is not even an option to begin with. You started preparing, ate your breakfast, and hurriedly run for school.

"I am definitely getting tired of this." Again you mumble to yourself, somehow it's starting to become a habit, as you walk to school kicking every little things that gets into view with your merciless feet.

"Well, what's new? Nothin'! They are all still a bunch of retards who's good at pretending," You rant whispering to yourself,  "well, except for one though,"  You remember Luhan from last night.

"Oh God!" You grunt face palming yourself with both hands. "What have I done?" You squinted your eyes trying to cover your face from the sudden hit of dilemma. "Why did I do that!?" You groan. It's not like you hate the idea of making friends with the guy, it's just that, you knew very well that everything is going to be different starting from now on. You kick really hard the stone you've been tormenting since earlier out from frustration without realizing nor even considering the possible outcome of such action.

"OUCH!" Yelled by the guy walking ahead of you.

"Shoot!" Startled from the shriek, you automatically turn your head from right to left looking for a place to hide. Found one and your tried to stealthily hid yourself, but unfortunately it was all for naught.

"Nice try. What do you think you're doing?" The guy said bending down, your back facing him.

The sound of his voice was way too familiar on your ears, but you doubted your instinct for a moment for you're so nervous to face the guy, not even daring to give him a quick glance. "I...I'm...I'm-looking-for-something-and...and-I-think-it's-not-here. So-got-to-go-see-ya-bye!" You said panickly whispering trying to move away without even giving the guy a hint of your identity, but unfortunately he was fast enough to grab you by the hand.

"Hey!" You froze on your steps, "I... I'm sorry!" You said shutting your eyes, this time facing him but instead of looking directly towards him, you kept your head down. "I didn't mean to hurt you, really. It's just I was in..." You tried to explain cutting you off when you heard his reaction.

"Pft! Bahahahahaha!"

Shocked and at the same time offended at what you heard, you finally dared to look at the guy. Did he just laugh at me? You thought, but as soon as eye meets the eye.

"Luhan! You bastard!" You groan, trying to hit him but was able to dodged it.

"Wow! I didn't know you're capable of cursing?" He teased earning another hit on the arm successfully.

"Shut up," You hissed.

"Fine, I'm sorry. I just can't take it. Seeing you being scared like that? Well, it's...it's a first. And seriously your expression? If I only knew before hand, I should have recorded it." He continues in between laughs.

"Have you had enough?" A bit embarrassed, you hit him on the arm and succeeded again effortlessly. "You're enjoying it too much. Way too much."

"Aw! Alright, alright!" He raises his hands in mid-air in defeat. "But what where you thinking back there anyway? What if the one you hit wasn't me and it was someone else? Do you think you can manage them just by simply doing exactly what you just did earlier on me?" He pointed out making you more embarrassed than you already are.

"I... I'll just... run away... maybe?" You reply without much thought. Not like I can honestly tell him that he was the reason behind it all." You thought, reasoning out to yourself.

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