[36] Surprise!

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Warning: There's a mild Smut scene.



For some reasons, our school informed us on the day that was supposed to be the day our class resumes that we had two more weeks to spend before the class officially starts again. I was half glad and half worried, since for all I know, school won't let us have too long for a vacation without giving us any consequences once we get back from school. But whose fault is this delay anyway? we didn't choose this! it's their fault not ours, why do we have to suffer?

Everyone just finished eating lunch and you were already at your room trying to look for comfortable clothes you'd wear that's fitted for the cold weather you guys were having right now, since you're going outside. Kyungsoo asked you if you could accompany him at the mall today since he needs to buy something. You on the otherhand haven't gone to the mall in a while so you agreed, with a mindset you might as well buy some necessary things that you'll need. When someone barged at your door and you turned to check on who that shameless person could be. Well, I should have known, you thought.

"What now?" you asked deadpan, as you continued to dig on your closet as if you're playing hidden object with your cabinet.

Jongin approached you all fidgety, as he leaned on the other side of the door of your cabinet crossing his arms. You peered at him confused. He is just staring back at you mouth hanging open as if he wanted to say something, but nothing.

"What's wrong?" you said still looking at him.

"I- I was just wondering..." he said as he straightened his body and placed one hand at his nape and rubbed it. A bit hesitant he continued, "...a- are you free today?" he tucked his hands on his pocket probably to hide his fidgeting but unfortunately you noticed it, and you chuckled inwardly. Is he asking for a date...? you giggled.

"I'm sorry. But, no." you retorted as you continued to rummage your closet.

"Why?" he asked a bit perplexed.

"Kyungsoo and I am going to the mall today, he asked me to accompany him." you explained checking on the shirt as you spread it mid-air. "I think this will do." you said as you throw it on top of your bed.

"I- Is that so?" he pouted, all gloomy he walked heavily towards on the side of your bed and slumped on top of it. You eyed the sulking guy and you just chuckled mentally shaking your head in disapprovement on how silly this guy could get. Closing the door of you cabinet, you sat as well on your bed facing a sulking Jongin as you rest your back on the headboard.

"What's wrong?" you asked again tugging the shirt you threw earlier on your bed and played the hem of it.

"N-Nothing." he said sighing. Really this guy.

"Not buying it." you responded. Jongin looked at you with sadness in his eyes, and you just had the sudden urge of wanting to tug this guy around your arms and cuddle him and lull him to sleep and take away all whatever that's bothering him, but you held it. Instead, Jongin shifted his gaze towards your hand and pulled the shirt you were holding, and replaced his head on top of it─pillowing your legs instead. You felt a sudden heat rushed through your body at Jongin's sudden behavior. You looked everywhere but Jongin as he was staring back at you, you cupped your face from embarrassement. I really will never get used to this, you wailed internally.

|Your POV|

Jongin curled his fingers around my wrist dragging my hands away from my face, placing it around his face instead. He brought my other hand on top of his lips and started smooching the palm of my hand making weird noises and that startled my stupid mind, moaning a fuzzy "J-jongin..." as he continued making out with my hand.

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