[50] Why Didn't You Tell Me?

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I was walking through the hallway towards our classroom when the guy I bumped with earlier came across my mind. "I forgot to ask his name..." I unconciously uttered my thoughts out loud and my heart jumped when someone spoke at the back of my head.

"Whose name?"

I abruptly turn around to see the owner of the voice, and I narrowed my eyes at him crossing my arms.

"You surprised me!" Sighing deeply as I untug my arms in front of my chest hitting him playfully by the arm.

He chuckled rubbing the spot where I had hit him, "So whose name was it that you had forgotten to ask?"

As much as I don't want to answer his question, which I find weird why should I not, it's not like I'm hiding anything. It's just, I don't feel like explaining. But I still answered anyway.

"Oh no one. Just a guy I bumped with earlier today." Luhan looked perplexed after hearing what I said. "What?" I asked trying my hardest to act natural about it. Well, there's nothing to feel nervous about it. It's not like I'm doing anything behind Jongin's back. I just accidentally met a guy, and coincidentally that Jongin isn't with me at that time, it's his fault anyway, I scoffed internally. 

I noticed Luhan stopping on his tracks and crosses his arm over his chest. I halted my steps as well as I turned around to face him with a questioning look. "What?" My arms unconsciously reacting, palm spreading wide on my side.

"A guy? You're curious about a guy's name?" Luhan asked eyes not leaving my gaze.

"I-Is that bad?" Okay, did I do something wrong?

"No, it isn't." Luhan answered totally ignoring how I stuttered, I sighed in relief.

"But why are you curious to know his name? You're not the type of person to get interested with someone before, most specially a guy?" His eyebrows furrowed.

Luhan was right. I find it weird as well, why do I feel interested knowing that guy I met earlier. Even for a short encounter we had earlier. I felt like I'd known him ever since, and somehow, he reminds me so much of Kyungsoo. I don't know, maybe because of his height? I chuckled inwardly totally getting lost in my stream of thoughts, when I felt Luhan knocked my head.

"Yah!" I hissed rubbing the part where he had hit me.

His eyes growing wide, wiggling his head as if telling me 'your answer?'.

"W- Well, about that..." I rubbed the back of my neck, "to be honest, I don't know as well. I find it weird too you know, even before you. But, he looks... harmless?" I explained, not sure about the last word though. 

"Harmless? what's he an animal?" Luhan chortled and then he spurted right after he saw me nodding my head too eagerly. "Y-Yah!"

"What?" My eyes were wide. It's true though, he looks really cute. Like a little puppy. "I'm serious though," I deadpanned earning a glare from Luhan.

"Jongin's gonna be mad at this," He said shaking his head in disagreement.

"Don't even mention him." I sternly said, placing my fingers on top of his lips, stopping him from talking further. But he stepped back anyway, so it was useless. I can't stop him.

"What's wrong? Lover's quarrel?" He hissed as if that's the most interesting topic he had heard today.

"Is not," I said as I continued my way to the classroom when I noticed it's fifteen minutes before class starts.

"I think it is." I heard him said behind me, and I just scoffed.

As soon as I entered the room, I already expect to see Jongin sitting by his seat, laughing and talking with some random classmates who approaches him whenever they had a chance to. But what I didn't expect, is that, he's sitting on my chair, head burried around his arms, totally ignoring the presence of other people inside the classroom. Just him and my desk, nothing more.

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