[63] Conclusion

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When you woke up the next morning, your heart automatically acted like an alarm clock, beating harshly against your chest, when you felt two arms draped strongly around your bare body, broad and warm chest pressed at your back, his breathing in sync with yours as if you're only one person. A sudden flashback of last night's event replayed on your mind, like a film strip, making your body feel all fuzzy and warm from the memories.

With a fast beating heart, and a heavy breathing, you bit your lip to keep yourself from your fascinated emotions. The thought of finally being one with Jongin, and being that close to him, makes your heart flutter a thousand times, or more. It was the craziest, most amazing, satisfying feeling you've ever felt since you're born. Your body started to heat up profusely, whenever Jongin's warm breaths hits your bare skin on your neck and shoulder. Not wanting to end this cozy and warm feeling too soon, you closed your eyes and slowly glided your anxious fingers against Jongin's arms to feel the warm skin embracing you, as you snuggled onto his arms for dear life.

The touch stirred Jongin up from his good slumber, rounding his arms tighter into your body, as he snuggled his nose onto your neck.

"Good morning baby," Jongin mumbled in his raspy voice, sending chills down your spine.

You turned your body towards Jongin in spite your warm skin brushing each other, as you were still both naked. Jongin presses his body closer into yours as soon as your body faced his own, making your lower body tingled with too much anticipation from the contact.

Jongin's define outline of his jawline, his nose, his full plump lips, were the best thing you have ever seen among the many times you had wake up in the morning with your usual soft pillows and blanket, which you admit you'll never get tired looking at ever in your entire life. Your fingers tracing each perfect outline as you watched how Jongin's lips curved into smile, how his eyes fluttered lazily to open, them whenever your fingers do wonders on his skin. You felt like tearing up, but you fight back your tears, not wanting to make yourself look weak in front of him.

You leaned your head forward to give the guy his usual morning kiss making his lips drew into a much wider smile, as he slams back his lips into yours, catching you off guard.

"I love you, Jongin." You muttered pushing his locks away from his forehead, eyes fixed onto whatever your're doing into his hair before landing your gaze into his, cupping his cheeks. Jongin smiled satisfied before mumbling, "I love you too, Wu Hyunjae." Brushing the back of his fingers onto your cheeks. Jongin stopped his movements when he noticed your expression was somewhat, like someone who wants to say something bus hesitating.

"What is it?" He asked.

Your eyes sting but you held it, "Will you be okay to be far away from me for a while?" You asked not leaving his gaze, which starting to create a crease between his brows.

"What are you talking about?" Jongin asked pulling his head back a little. His heart was beating rapidly sensing the conversation is heading towards something he doesn't even want to start with. 

"I-It's not like we're not going to se-see each other again, r-right?" You stammered, when frustration crawled up in your inside, eyes starting to glisten making Jongin sat up straight from the bed.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." He breathed worriedly.

You pressed the heel of your palms to supress the tears from escaping your eyes, before pushing half your body off the bed to sit up, tugging the blanket towards your chest, as you face Jongin.

"I'm not going anywhere, if that's what you're thinking. I believe I had told you that already." Jongin exhaled crossing his arms in front of his chest.

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