[57] Gallop

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During the ride towards your next destination you can't help but giggle inwardly whenever you remember what Jongin had told you on your way down the building.

"You know if we keep on smooching each other, we should have stayed inside our room snuggling with each other instead of being here," You reasoned out making a point as soon as you pulled away from Jongin's lips.

"But then, I won't be able to show you to the world," He seriously stated making your cheeks tinted with bright red, giggling before rolling your eyes. 

"God! I don't know what to do with you anymore." You wailed burying your face on Jongin's chest, hiding your embarrassment. Jongin just chuckled wrapping his arms around you, hugging you tightly.

"-jae. Earth calling Wu Hyunjae." Jongin singsonged snapping you out of your reverie.


"I said, we're here." He hurriedly alighted the car and dash towards your side to open the car door even before you could. You snickered satisfied with the way Jongin was treating you. Your body ache from almost an hour ride from Seoul to Namyangju.

When you alighted the car soon enough, the soreness was then left in oblivion when you gape what's in it in front of you. Your eyes sparkled, hands hovered to each other on top of your lips.

"No way!" You breathed almost squealling. But Jongin only sniggered before grabbing your hand twining his fingers to yours, as he drag you towards the place.

"Are you ready?" Jongin whispered behind your ear and a shiver run down your spine when you felt Jongin's firm chest laid flat on your back.

"Ah, J-Jongin...are you sure about this? I can do it alone you know," You tensely muttered under your breath, trying hard not to show how ecstatic you are with your position. Your inside do somersault when you felt Jongin's teeth slightly nipped your ear, right at the helix. You panickly threw your eyes around and check if anyone saw what Jongin did, thankfully no one did and you sighed in relief inwardly.

"Of course I'm sure. Aren't you?" 

You shook your head a bit, but too eagerly. Actually, you don't care whether someone sees or not how Jongin would show skinship with you in the public, or how sweet he would treat you, or do something embarrassing all in all, no, you don't totally care at all. What you're most concerned about right now, was how close your body was to each other, and how fast your heart is beating right now, and the thought of riding this thing together with him, makes your mind in a complete mess.

Jongin hovered his hand above yours where you're gripping the reins tightly, Jongin did so as well before ushering the horse to start. At first your body was so tensed when the horse started moving, when you finally get the hang of it you finally relaxed your body.

"This is really fun!" You muttered breaking the long lost conversation.

"Isn't it?" Jongin's voice behind you makes your heart started beating irregularly. Until now it confuses you how could Jongin can make you feel this way every time. You sighed in defeat when you realized there's no way you'll ever get used to this. 

"It's my first time riding this," You spoke and tried to peek at the guy behind you but failed miserably, since he's too close to your body. "I had always wanted to try, but we never find the time to do so..." Your muscles tensed up when you felt Jongin's hands let go of yours and snake his arms around your waist instead, leaning his head on your shoulder. You gulped.

"You don't know how could that little information makes me glad," The tension in your body started to calm down soon after.

Jongin straightened up his body when he thought he saw someone familiar standing among the people behind the fences. For the second time, you tried to peek at the guy when you felt his hold loosen up in sync with his sudden jolting up.

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