[38] Just For One Day

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 |Your POV|


We're back in school. If there's anything I am looking forward for this day, that is I'd get to see Luhan again. It's been a while since I last saw and get to talk to him. It was one Saturday evening, when I realized we didn't get to exchange phone numbers, at all.

As usual, I went to school earlier than expected. While Jongin? probably fuming right now at home, since I went to school ahead without informing him.

And I was right, except for the part that he's at home, since he's now standing by the door frame panting, looking all exhausted, probably from running. I chuckled.

"Hyunjae!" he half shouted walking briskly towards me. I bit my lip to prevent myself from having a laughing fit, because, Oh my god! His face...I wanna capture it, where's my camera? "You think it's funny?" he added in a mocking tone.

I looked around the classroom, lips still trembling from the hilarious sight I'd witness few seconds ago, seeing that there's still no one else inside the classroom─aside from me and Jongin─ I whipped my head back towards the figure standing in front of me and I nodded my head eagerly, teasing him a bit. And he scoffed.

"Did you sleep well?" I chortled asking and he wheezed.

"What to do with you...?" then he leaned down startling me, locking me in between his arms, pressing his lips at the nook of my neck which made me flinched for a moment from the touch.

"Y-yah, we're in school." I muffled in his shoulder and he just tightened his grasp as an answer. Seeing it as it's no use, I brought my hands around his back, hugging him back, and I felt him nip my skin and I blushed. Driving me in deep euphoria, as I automatically closed my eyes. After few more seconds he finally let go and move towards his seat, which is just beside mine, leaving me breathless and a bit embarrassed. I touched the surface to where was his lips pressed earlier and the tingly feeling was still there. How can this guy make me feel so messed up every time? This is not good for my health. I mentally shook my head.

"That's your reward for leaving without me." he said smiling widely, leaning his head at the palm of his hand, still looking at me.

I widened my eyes from the realization, "You.did.not!" I gasped.

"Oh.yes.I.did" he said proudly, and I tried to hit his arm but he successfully dodged it, that's when the door shut open.

"I thought so..." the guy by the door said as soon as he saw me, which made my eyes grew bigger and I jumped from my seat shouting, "LuLuuuuu!!" flailing my arms, ushering him to come near me, since Jongin was blocking my way. I heard him scoffed from his seat, but I ignored it, as I had entirely and unknowingly left in oblivion the thing he did to my neck a while ago.

Even before Jongin could stop Luhan from hugging me, I was already in his arms. Jongin tried to shove Luhan away from me, but I held to the other one tightly in return, which ended up Jongin sulking in his seat. Luhan and I had a laughing fit.

"I missed you!" Luhan exlaimed cupping my cheeks, my arms still around his waist, as I was sitting and he was standing, the arm rest in between us. "

"I missed you too...!" I exclaimed giggling as I released my hands around him.

"God! Is that a hickey?" his eyes widen in shock, turning his head towards Jongin and he just smirked as if saying 'Oh yes I fucking did that' and I blushed burying my face in my hands.

It took us half an hour to finish our chattering about some stuff, as well as me having my surname changed to 'Wu Hyunjae' now, while teasing Jongin in the process. The two was still the same, bickering at one another, although Jongin is much aware of what happened to Luhan and me before. But I guess, old feelings die hard. So he still felt restless about Luhan's intention. Since there's still no assurance that Luhan had really come to switch-hitting, because we haven't seen him anything that could say he's really, that.

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