[17] Punishment

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I can't help but feel nervous everytime I came across Jongin. Unconciously my body automatically turns the other way around whenever I sighted his figure even from afar. Trying to be invisible as hard as I can. There was even a time when I had to hide at an empty locker just to avoid him. No I don't hate him. I just feel nervous, that's all. But the only place where I can't really avoid him is during class time.

"Hyunjae-ah! are you finally free today? it's been a week since we ate lunch together and hangout." Luhan said pouting trying his best to be pitiful enough.

"Uuh ok." was the only word I was able to uttered. I can't bring myself to reject Luhan's invitation once more, after all week of refusing him just to avoid Jongin.

"Yay! Finally! Let's go!" he chimed in excitement.

We're on our way to the cafeteria when i felt the urge of going to the toilet.

"Luhan I need to go to the toilet. Go ahead, I'll follow you shortly." you said as you gave him a heartwarming smile.

"O-ok, don't take too long though. Contact me when something went wrong." you sent him another warm smile and a nod motioning you heard him.

As soon as you stepped out of the toilet room, someone grabbed you as he dragged you towards an empty room, just next to the girls toilet room. In your point of view it's some kind of an old stock room, since loads of boxes and used tarps and props were scattered around the whole room.

You eyed the guy responsible for you being there. Your heart rate not slowing down as you tried to contemplate what was happening.

"W-who are y-you?" you said with a hint of nervousness in the tone of your voice.

You can't figure out who's the person standing infront of you. All you could see was a silhouette of a man, that's one thing for sure.

"Is this another prank!? because it's not funny anymore!" you said half shouting. Feeling scared of what might come next. Oh god please, someone save me! you mentally shouted and unconciously blurted a name you yourself didn't expect you'd even mentioned at that moment. "Jongin..."

"You called me?" Jongin himself felt surprised at the mention of his own name.

"W-what?" you looked up trying to analyze the person infront of you. There's no way... Don't tell me... your thought was cut-off when you felt Jongin scooted closer to you.

"W-wait" you brought your hands up infront of you to prevent the guy from getting any more closer. But ended up resting it in his chest. You felt dizzy for a second and tried to keep yourself up.

The next thing you know was that his lips already crushed into yours. You had the urge to push him back but your body says otherwise. Although you know that this isn't right but the way he kisses you felt just right. You gasp for air after a minute or so of having a short make-out session although it's only lips involved. Jongin resting his head on the nook of your neck.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Jongin asked depressed still not lifting his head up.

"I-I'm.. I'm sorry" you whispered. Jongin finally lookep up turning your head to face him, while your hand w/c unconciously ended up tangled around Jongin's neck still hanging.

"Do you hate me?" I sense loneliness in Jongins voice although I can't clearly see his facial expression right now.

"What? No, no! I didn't say that!" I defended.

"Then why?"

"I-I just... I feel nervous whenever I'm around you. I can't breathe, can't think straight. It's my first- first time having these feelings and I'm confused. I don't know what to do."

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