[03] Warmth

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"Moooom!" You cried, "I love you mom...I'll never disobey you ever again, even if you sack this stupid-idiotic-useless-daughter-of-yours-who-doesn't-even-know-how-to-cook-a-proper-rice i'll be even more welcome, so just pleaaaase Mom..." You said wailing while hitting your chest as if there's something stuck on it that's giving you a hard time to breathe.

"Yah, Hyunjae-ah. Stop crying now. It's embarrassing." Your mom told you comfortingly. "And you are exagerrating it. Why would I sack my one and only precious daughter?" She added in between laughs. She noticed that the other patients have been looking towards the both of you since your wailing isn't something really pleasant for the ears to hear. 

"Mooom," you sobbed once again.

"I'm really sorry." Your mom mouthed whispering, trying to apologize to the other patients.

"Please don't try to scare me like that again." You muttered under your breath as you cry.

"Aigoo this kid, really." She said in resignation. Your mom can't help but smile on how rare the chance to see you cry like that in the public again, since you're not a kid anymore and she knows how conscious you always are to your surroundings, but right now seems like an exception.

You couldn't care less about what other people thinks and says about you at that moment, all you know is that you're so glad and grateful your mom was fine. 

"Look at me," She softly commanded cupping your face and starts to wipe-off the stray tears with her soft-loving-warm-hands before she continues, "Mom will never, ever, ever, ever, ever leave my dear Hyunjae no matter what happens. So stop crying now ok?" She assures you, pulling you closer in between her arms, hugging you tight. 

That didn't help you from trying to stop your tears from flowing. Again you cried, for you don't know how many times you had already that day. Your mom felt so sad, thinking how sorry she was for making you worry. She can see from you how hurt you were after hearing the news. And seeing you cry makes her recollect on how you always were back then, a crybaby.

"So, this must be your daughter, Mrs. Park?" The man asks as he approaches you and your mom.

Your mom replied with a smile towards the man nodding slightly, who's now standing right beside of the bed.

You had already calmed down. It was too late when you realized your mom is still hugging you tightly, like a baby. You tried to push yourself away gently, but failing miserably. Now you can't help but be embarrassed all the way.

"You're lucky to have a very loving mother." He told you, your back still facing him. Just then your mother lets you go out of her embrace and made you face him.

"Properly introduce yourself," Your mom said still smiling.

As much as you want to, but you very well much know that your cheeks were in deep red from the heat you're feeling around it, feeling slightly embarrassed  from earlier. However, since you don't want to disgrace your mom in front of others, you did as told. "Hello, Dr..." You started trying to peek on his nametag since you didn't know his name or what to actually call him. He noticed what you were trying to do, and so he said, "You can call me, Uncle Wu."

Feeling confused and more embarrassed than before, again you started, "Hello, Uncle Wu. My name is Hyunjae. Park Hyunjae. It's really nice to meet you." Bowing to the man in front of you. "I've heard from my mom. I'd really like to meet you to say thank you, for saving my mother earlier, and..." before you were able to finish your sentence, you were cut off by the tears which started to well-up again in your eyes, remembering what your mom had gone through, you continued in between cries, "...you don't know how grateful I am for what you did for my mom, sir. No words can express how thankful I am right now. I...I don't know what am I going to do if something bad or even worst had happened to her." You said in between cries. It's a good thing Dr. Wu was just near the place where your mom had the accident so he was able to attend to her immediately. You're still busy trying to gather all your senses after getting carried away with your emotions, when a hand landed on top of your head, you thought this was not your mom's, since it's big and heavy yet there's warmth. He squatted eye-level in front of you, smile drawn on his lips, "You're lucky to have a very kind-hearted daughter here." He commented while looking at you, to your mom, then back at you.

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