[06] Trouble

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What does he mean by "Oh it's you!" btw? Do I even know him? I can't recall meeting him somewhere before, I kept asking myself as I head towards the sink and check myself in the mirror for one last time. I was about to walk out of the toiletroom when a group of girls started to block my way.

"Excuse me." I said without bothering to look at them, but they didn't move an inch and remained on their stand.

"Did you hear that?" One of the girls said and they started laughing.

What now? I mumbled as I looked straight into the eyes of the person in front of me.

"I don't like going in circles so I'll go straight to the point. Who are you and what are you to Luhan oppa!?" Questioned by the girl, whose makeup is the exact definition of exaggeration. I didn't answer back instantly as I was so busy thinking how to escape from this bunch of idiotic pack.

"Are you not going to answer me!? HURRY UP AND TELL ME!" She shouted before shoving my right shoulder hard, hard enough that I almost loose my balance making me take a step back.

Did she just push me? I was so infuriated that my eyes automatically glared at them. Yes, I may be a coward, but my cowardice depends upon certain situations. And this kind of situation? Definitely gives me an unknown level of guts.

"You still won't answer huh?" She continued to spat a bit demanding.

"WHAT and WHO am I to LUHAN has got nothing to do with you. There I answered back, satisfied?" I said sternly, trying to keep my fury in check.

I didn't have enough time to react nor to think straightly when a hand landed on my cheek. The loud sound of slap and the stinging sensation I feel on my cheek where the only things that's left playing inside my head. She gasped at what she did, terrified at her sudden action.

I was taken aback for a minute, at a loss for words.

Even though it's so evident on the girl's face how shocked she was on her own action, instead of aplogizing she uttered in disgrace, "That's what you get from not answering back properly!" She vehemently said, voice quivering from guilt.

Tears started to well up, but I still tried to held it in hanging my head low. I guess, I was right. I'l never get out of this school without being bullied at least once. But who do they think they are? My mother never even laid her hands to hurt me. How dare they? Could somebody please stop me while I could still hold it in, I fumed at myself, my hands curled up tightly, ready to punch anything, anyone. I looked at the girl who just dared to lay her hands on me, remembering every inch of her features thinking where I should hit her first, when I suddenly heard a voice snapping me out of my fury.

"Hyunjae-ah!" Luhan called out, both him and Kai walking past the girls toiletroom.

The tears from earlier, hanging by the edge, all ready to slid passed through my tearduct, went down in a hurry streak. As soon as the first tear drops, I run out as fast as my feet could without looking back even once. Luhan tried to call me but I turned a deaf ear. I can't let them see me now, not like this. I cried, running out wherever my feet drag me.

"Mind explaining me what happened here?" Luhan asked the girls who were left behind.

"Oppa it's not our fault. She started it!" Excused by the girl, Minji, the one responsible for the red scathing sensation you're feeling right now on your left cheek. "We just wanna make friends with her and she just became frantic over it," added by the other girl. "She even said she's going to hurt us if we come near you again!" Added exaggeratedly by one of them.

"Bunch of liars." Kai scoffed surprising the girls.


"It's useless talking to you all," Luhan commented. "Come on, Jongin-ssi!"

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