[59] Mastermind

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"Kyungsoo-ssi, I'm going to the grocery store now, do you have anything you want me to buy for you?" Ahjumma Lee asked the doe-eyed guy who's making himself busy inside the kitchen, experimenting some new recipes he could include in his new menu for his cafe, he said.

"Oh I have actually. I hope you don't mind," He said taking a piece of paper in the drawer of the kitchen isle and a pen to list down a couple of things.

"Not at all." The middle age lady replied smiling warmly to Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo hand over to Ahjumma Lee the paper, the latter took it, skimming the list.

"Is this all you need?" She asked for reassurance, when the guy nodded. She folded it back keeping it in her front pocket before walking away. But, halfway through the kitchen door, the middle aged lady turned around again, catching Kyungsoo's attention.

"Uhm Kyungsoo-ssi, I hope you don't mind, but, can you look out for Baekhyunnie for me? He's quite an energetic child. I know he's already old enough to handle himself. But, so you know, he's still really clamsy and a bit childish. Since he's only new in this neighborhood, I strongly told him not to go out alone, and just stay inside. I don't want him causing unnecessary trouble. Although, I'm troubling you enough with this matter. If you want any helper you could ask him, and he'd be really happy to aid you." She said making the doe-eyed guy speechless, blinking after Ahjumma Lee had spoken. 

"Don't worry Ahjumma Lee, I'll take care of him. I think I could handle him myself, rest assured." He said offering a warm smile to the middle aged lady, before nodding to go on.

Not long after, a knock came through the door. No one was bothering to open it, making Kyungsoo sigh in frustration as he trudge his way towards it.

"Where are all the people in this house?" He whined whispering as he approached the front door. "Just a sec! ...for christ sake!" He yelled, mumbling the latter part.

"Hyung! Where's Hyunjae?" The deer guy beamed making the shorter guy jumped back.

"Do you really have to scare me like that? You piece of shit!" The doe eyed spatted, although his expression is neutral.

"Sorry hyung! I'm just excited... I need to tell her something." He chortled, stepping in inside the house, even before Kyungsoo could invite him. The deer guy made a bee-line towards the stairs into Hyunjae's room, but was halted when he heard what Kyungsoo had told him. Luhan gaped at the figure standing in front of the stairs, arms crossed in front of his chest, staring disinterestedly.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Luhan bitterly spouted to Kyungsoo, who's back experimenting inside the kitchen.

"If you aren't only just too excited enough to listen to what I have to say first, before assuming things, I could have told you." He said as a matter-of-factly.

"I- I was just- that- God! never mind!" He sighed in exasperation slumping on the kitchen isle. The doe-eyed guy just shook his head, scoffing. "What time did they leave?" Luhan mumbled, one side of his face pressed on top of the isle, as he looked at Kyungsoo who's still busying himself.

"Not too long ago when you came?" He said, eyes peering upwards before continuing again, nodding to himself. As if, he's proud of his own answer.

"Missed her by seconds!" He groaned.

"Fuck! I messed up again!" Kyungsoo growled making the other guy jolted up from his slumping position. "I give up! Not gonna do it! I hate my life! I hate you!" The previous calm guy started showering profanities at the innocent recipe he has been doing since Luhan came in, but now finding its way to trash bin. The taller guy can't find the courage to butt in at the moment and just stared at the doe-eyed guy. Not wanting to face any wrath from the older. "This is no fun!" He whined, before settling back on his seat once again.

Luhan gulped when Kyungsoo met his eyes.

"Are you up for some stalking?" Kyungsoo smirk making Luhan shudder.

Where did the innoncent and angelic Kyungsoo had gone to? Luhan wailed mentally.

A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

Here's a very very short update. Just a fragment of the four guys part of stalking. Going to continue the update if not tomorrow maybe on Sunday? Since tomorrow is Black Saturday. I'll try to spare some time if I could manage not to be busy with visitors and such.

Told you this update is abrupt... >///<

See you on the next update guys!

Please do comment if you have anything you wanna say. Your comment motivates me, and if you do.. I appreciate it so much! Cliche as it may sound, but it really does mean a lot to us writers.

Again, thank you for reading this and hope you enjoyed it! xoxo

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