[60] Stalking Is Hassle

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"Are you up for some stalking?" Kyungsoo asked the other guy in the room.

"You mean stalk them?" Luhan asked flabbergasted.

"No, I mean stalk them. God! Do you really have to repeat what I've just said?" He said rolling his eyes in disbelief.

"But, what if we got caught?"

"That means we have to be more careful for us not to be seen." Kyungsoo spoke as he rested his head on his palm, his elbow supporting its weight.

"I don't think Hyunjae would like that though." Of course, she wouldn't like it. Who would like to be stalked when dating? No one. Luhan murmured mentally, quite unfavoring the idea.

"I'm not planning to interrupt them. I'm just worried for my little sister. She's still in highschool."

"Soon to be college." Luhan reminded firmly since there's only few months left before your graduation.

"Whatever, she's still a child to me." Kyungsoo easily shruged off. "Anyway, aren't you curious to see what they would do on their date?" He said trying to persuade the deer guy who's eyeing him intently.

"Not even a bit." Luhan nonchalantly said. It's true. He isn't curous at all, because there's another thing in his mind he's more concerned about right now, and it's related to what he have to ask and tell you, that's why he went today. But, unfortunately, you were not around. Wait! What if... Maybe... Maybe I could get an idea if...

"Hyung! Let's stalk them!" Luhan exclaimed suddenly becoming excited making the older one blink his eyes from the abrupt change of mood.

"O-Okay... what makes you change your mind?" He asked straightening his back.

"That's not important. Let's go!" The deer guy ushered him to stand up. Since the longer they chat in there, the more chances they'll miss some worth ideas.

"Where are you guys going? Can I come too?" 

The two guys blinked at the figure blocking the kitchen door way.

"I totally forgot about you..." Kyungsoo suddenly mumbled to himself, but enough for Luhan to be heard. "Sure you could come along as long as you'll behave and not be a pain in the ass." He nonchalantly said before proceeding to walk away. Baekhyun jumped giddily starting to feel excited, as he followed suit the two guys.

"What? He's coming too?"

Kyungsoo just rolled his eyes, leading the way. Before halting mid-way to the living room. I forgot, I dont have a car anymore. Kyungsoo contemplated. Then, as if on cue, Kris went downstairs stretching his long arms upward. He eyed the tall guy, and the latter froze when he saw three guys were staring at him─actually the other two had no idea why they're doing that as well, they just mirrored what Kyungsoo was doing, that's all. Kris almost missed a step from the intense glare the three was giving off, mostly coming from Kyungsoo. How can he be so intimidating? Kris gulped.

Little did Kris know, Kyungsoo isn't doing it on purpose. He's just simply looking at the guy, waiting to get a proper distance to ask him something. But, he doesn't need to know that.

"What? What's wrong? What did I do?"

"Do you have a car?" He deadpanned.


"Can I borrow it?" 

Can I borrow. Can I borrow. I borrow. borrow. borrow? BORROW!?

"No. Of course, no!" He strongly rejected. Right! It's Kris who we're talking about here people. He's a stingy bastard when it comes to his precious little baby─his bumble bee colored camaro. But, somehow he wanted to take back what he said when he saw Kyungsoo's stare intensified. 

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